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Models of selective attention The Filter Model Founder:Broadbent (1958) It related to what has been called the single-channel theory The switch works in an all-or-none fashion Basic Model :figure 1 Broadbent argued that : when several nerve fibers fire at the same time,several sensory messages may arrive at the brain simultaneously. but only a little information can be processed. It means that further processing of information would then occur only after the signal was attended to and passed on through a selective filter into a limited-capacity channel. Dichotic listening task The research method of the filter model ---dichotic listening task It is a technique for investagate with means we all ears hear two different voice simultaneously.It always come true by 立体声耳机 The design of experiment: Left ear Right ear 6 4 2 9 7 3 Experimental result: 1. When participants were asked to recall the digits by ear of presentation , the accurate rate is 65% 2. When participants were asked to recall the digits in the sequence in which they appeared , the accurate rate is 20% 不支持单通道模型的实验 ---GrayWedderburn Left ear Right ear Dear 3 5 Aunt JANE 4 The result shows that : The filter not only a channel ,when the situation calls for it , we can switch our attention to another channel . So , we can see the Filter Model also is not perfect . Therefore ,the Attenaution Model of Treisman is appeared . The Attenuation Model Founder : Treisman (1959) The attenuation model is a further investagation that is based on the filter model


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