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Words and Phrases 特工 读到 首先;一则 枪声 secret agent read about for one thing the crack of guns 经营 暗自笑了 振作点 为…冒生命危险 很可能 deal in laugh to oneself Take cheer. risk one’s life for sth may well 一份特别重要的文件 影响历史的进程 灯一亮 你真吓了我一跳。 我发誓 兴风作浪 a paper of singular importance affect the course of history as the light came on you gave me quite a start I swear raise the devil 邪恶地笑了笑 站在我们的立场 检查 应门 气得脸色发青 毫不犹豫地 smiled an evil smile from our standpoint check on answer the door black with anger not hesitate to do sth Sentences 步枪的射击声打破了乡村的寂静。 The silence of the village was broken by the crack of a rifle. 一来我没钱,再说我太忙了。 For one thing, Ive no money; and for another Im too busy. 她毫不掩饰自己的感情。 She made no disguise of her feelings. 我刚一进这幢房子,灯全亮了。 Just as I entered the house, all the lights came on. 那么多年后与她重逢,我非常激动。 It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years. 如果你惊醒了孩子,母亲会非常生气。 Mother will raise the devil if you wake the baby. 屋子的另一边站着一个男人,手里握着一支小手枪。 Across the room, a small gun in his hand, stood a man. 我们应从顾客的立场出发来考虑。 We should consider things from the standpoint of the customers. 她一想到要独自走进那屋子就哆嗦。 She shivered at the thought of going into the house alone. 公交车里空空的,只有一位老太太。 Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. 阿兰发誓他会尽他所能帮助我们。 Alan swore that he would do everything in his power to help us. 外面一片漆黑。 Outside was utter blackness. 脸色惨白的查尔斯还在发抖,他盯着侍者离去的身影. White-faced and shaking, Charles stared after him. V + about (L1) arrange about argue about ask about bring about 安排 辩论 询问 带来 care about Complain about go about hear about inquire about 在意 报怨 着手 听说 打听 know about quarrel about read about see about set about speak about 了解 争论 读到 负责处理 开始 谈起 talk about think about trouble about tell about worry about 谈论 考虑 担心 讲述 着急 corridor etc.(L2) passage: [C] also passageway, hall, hallway- a long narrow connecting way, esp. inside a building 通道 Her room is just along the passage. corridor: a passage, esp. between two rows of rooms 通


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