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山西医药杂志2010 年10 第39 卷第10 期上半 Sh anx i M ed J, October 2010, Vol. 39, No. 10 the Fir t # 899 # # # C-氨基丁酸受体活化增强神经型一氧化氮合酶 磷酸化对缺血性脑损伤的保护作用 徐州医学院机能实验中心( 22 1002) 周 翠 张光毅 = C- ( GA BA) ( nN O S) , SD , GABAA GABA B ; , nN OS 1 d nNO S( Ser 847) , 1 d nN OS ( Ser847) GABA GA BA nN OS( Ser 847) A B = ; , GABA ; Neuroprotection of GABA receptor agonists via enhancing nNOS(Ser847 ) phosphorylation in cerebral ischemia ZH O U Cui , ZH A N G Guang-y i. Exp er iment Center of Functional Science , X u hou M edical Colleg e, J iang su 22 1002, China = Abstract Objective T hi tudy i to inve tig ate the r ole of enhancement of GABA r eceptor act ivity on the pho phory latio n of nNO S and the po ible molecular mechani m of inhibitory neur otr an mi io n during brain i- chemia. Methods A dult male Sprague- Daw ley rat w ere u ed t o induce four- ve el occlu io n cerebral i chemia model , combination of GA BA recept or ag oni t ( mu cimol and baclofen) w a u ed. And w e u ed immunopr ecip-i tatio n and w e ter n blot ting to ob erve nN O S( Ser847) pho phory lat ion. Results Combinatio n of two ag oni t could increa e the int eraction of nNO S w it h PSD95 and nNO S( Ser847) pho phorylatio n at 1 day reperfu ion. onclusion Co- application of GA BA r eceptor ago ni t could ex ert it neur oprotect ive effect on cer ebr al i chemia by increa - ing nN OS ( Ser 847) pho phorylation. = Key words Brain i chemia; Recptor , GA BA ; Nitric-oxide yntha e NO , GABA , C- ( GABA ) , GABA


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