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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:大连房地产竞争战略研究 子题目:****************************** 设计(论文)完成日期2011年1月15日 学生姓名:******* 专 业:工商管理(物流方向) 班级-学号:****** 指导教师:****** 评阅人:****** 2011年1月15日 摘 要 近年来,房地产业发展迅猛,已逐步上升成为我国国民经济结构中的支柱产业之一。而伴随着房地产行业的迅速发展,一些地区出现了房价过高,投资增长过快等现象,影响了我国整个房地产市场的持续健康发展,于是国家采取了多种政策和措施对该行业进行了宏观调控,这使得房地产开发业面临着残酷的生存压力和更激烈的竞争环境。 大连房地产自九十年代成立以来,已经有二十多年的发展历史了,面对房地产业洗牌时代的到来,如何能够继续规范化、科学化的发展成为了亟待解决的重要问题。论文以企业竞争战略理论为指导,对大连房地产进行了研究。战略的关键是能够有效地整合企业的资源,充分发挥企业内部优势,提高企业的经营效率,培育企业的核心竞争能力,为企业赢得长期竞争优势奠定基础。本文分析了企业的内外部环境,运用SWOT分析法归纳出了大连房地产的优劣势及机会和威胁。以此为基础,有针对性的提出了一些对策,从而规避了日益增加的风险,从中获得更大的利益。 关键词:房地产;环境分析;竞争战略 Abstract In recently years, real estate industry has been developing rapidly and becoming one of the pillar industry of our country economic structure。 With rapid development of real estate industry, some regions are tend to raise construction prices and invent excessively, they will have deep effect to real industry’s sustained and realty development, So the government has issued a series of polices documents and done many measures to macro-control, the real estate industry are facing cruel survival pressure and fierce competitive environment。 The coastal real estate has twenty years develop history since it comes into existence from now。 Now the real estate industry are entering into the stage to eliminate, how to remind standardized and scientific development has become an important question of speedy theory, is to research coastal real estate through several aspects such as strategy analysis, strategy design strategy choice and strategy implement and act . The key of strategy, the thesis believes, is able to integrate all resource available in company effectively, expand inside advantage widely, enhance work efficiency, and cultivate competition capability, thus may building up, the foundation for long term competition。 First, the thesis details analysis the external and internal environment of the company, and summarizes the strength and weakness from inside, opportunity and t


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