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Unit 4 Going to School (I) Education denotes the methods by which society hands down from one generation to the next its knowledge culture, and values. The individual being educated develops physically, mentally, emotionally, morally, and socially. The work of education may be accomplished by an individual teacher, the family, a church, or any other group in society. Formal education is usually carried out by the school. Part I Getting Ready Vocabulary counselor   make the grade quit polytechnic notice board     physical education haven’t a clue strict requirement goody-goody Part II The Teacher I Remember Best The American education Horace Mann once said: As an apple is not in any proper sense an apple until it is ripe, so a human being is not in any proper sense a human being until he is educated.” Education is the process through which people endeavor to pass along to their children their hard-won wisdom and their aspirations for a better world. The most important role played in education is the teacher. A. You are going to hear Christine telling you the advantages and disadvantages of teaching as a job. Listen and complete the following chart. Notes: unexpected appropriate lesson plan downside (disadvantage) magic and exciting relationships and values entertaining (interesting) physically/ emotionally hoot (something very amusing) treat properly modern fiction tiring amazing B. Now you are going to hear Christine telling you the changes that have taken place in the relationship between teachers and pupils. Listen and complete the following chart. Notes: r


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