苏宁电器股份有限公司近三年财务报表分析报告 - Temple Fox MIS.pptVIP

苏宁电器股份有限公司近三年财务报表分析报告 - Temple Fox MIS.ppt

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The SHOEcycle Company Strategic Planning Vision Statement: Globalized leader and flagship company in both footwear and eco-friendly industry. Mission Statement: We are --- Eco-Friendly Footwear Company We do ---Manufacture stylish footwear with recyclable materials We Stand for --- Save the world environment by recycling Critical Success Factors / Core Values Low cost by using recyclable materials Low labor cost by hiring employees who are earth lovers Fixed customers who are willing to protect our environment Attract more customers by offering low prices Create stylish products Emission Trading Strategic Planning Goals: Reduce at least 30 million of carbon emissions by 2016 Sell 10 million pairs of footwear by 2016 Increase 30% employment and production each year Culture Our Culture: We love this earth, we make products that helps the environment. Attraction: People who love and care about the earth do every possible action to protect the environment. They can maximum their efficiency by working in this “Green Family”, and they can turn their action from passive into initiative. Select Employees: Who that actually care about the world Who are working with us for saving the earth and do not consider salary as the most important element for a job Who should be outgoing and willing to spread the culture of us Attrition: Anyone who do not fit our family, we will not fire her/him for this reason because we consider everyone of us as a family member, and we believe that everyone’s goal is same- love the earth and want to protect it . - Transfer to another department that she/he is more interested - A staff lunch with lunch, a staff field trip (Help new guys integrate) Culture Employees are the most important elements of us -Heath: 1. Gyms 2. “Biggest loser” quarterly (with reward) 3. Free Healthy lunch -Safety 1. Security guards 2. Security cameras 3. Background checks for every job applicant -Funs


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