《Hot stamping foil-China Evergreen Packaging and Printing Co.》.pdf

《Hot stamping foil-China Evergreen Packaging and Printing Co.》.pdf

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《Hot stamping foil-China Evergreen Packaging and Printing Co.》.pdf

One-stop services for flexible packaging One-stop services for flexible packaging OOnnee--ssttooppsseerrvviicceessffoorrfflleexxiibblleeppaacckkaaggiinngg Hot stamping foil Hot stamping foil HHoott ssttaammppiinngg ffooiill is the combination of some elements the chemical reaction. In essence, a chemical reaction through the coating machine is made of a variety of techniques. The thickness of hot stamping foil is normally 12, 16, 18, 20 microns.As PET film has very good heat stand ability, the base film normally use PET film. Our hot stamping foil is from 4 layers to 5 layers, made by coating separate layer, color layer, metallized layer, glue layer and then cutting against customers request. First layer: base film First layer: base film FFiirrsstt llaayyeerr:: bbaasseeffiillmm China evergreen packaging and printing co., ltd normally use PET 12 microns as base film, PET film has very good heat stand ability and can keep good function at 160 degrees which is higher than most of the hot stamping foil working temperature. The PET film will not deform during stamping.The main purpose of the base film is to support the coating layers and convenient for continuously hot stamping action. Stable function of the base film is the key factor of the quality of stamping foil. Second layer: Separate layer Second layer: Separate layer SSeeccoonndd llaayyeerr:: SSeeppaarraattee llaayyeerr The second called separate which is made of silicon resin normally. Its main function is to help the color layer, metallized layer and glue layer transit the stamping target surface whatever the film is heated or pressed. Third layer: color layer Third layer: color layer TThhiirrdd llaayyeerr:: ccoolloorrllaayyeerr The main elements of the color layer is the resin and ink which have very good coating ability and heat stand ability, transparency as well. It is main functi


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