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效果并不尽如人意,严重阻碍了城市污水集中处理制度自身效用的发挥。通过借 鉴污水处理成熟国家的经验,该部分对此现象进行了原因分析,该原因很大一部 分归咎于污水处理行业市场竞争机制的缺失。 第三部分分析了城市污水市场化集中处理方式在我国的适用性。基于事业型 集中处理方式运行效果欠佳的一个主要原因在于该行业市场竞争机制缺失,我国 逐渐进入到城市污水市场化集中处理阶段。该部分在界定城市污水集中处理市场 化运作及其要求的基础上,并结合我国市场化改革的实践情况,对市场竞争机制 应用于我国城市污水集中处理领域进行了适用性分析。但是目前,包括污水处理 在内的公用事业实施市场化改革不久,尚不完善,出现了局部国有化回潮。深入 分析,市场化改革本身并没有问题,改革过程中政府监督管理方式与手段的不完 善才是其症结所在,对此需进行相关措施完善予以纠正。 第四部分以潍坊市城市污水集中处理情况为例,并以防治城市水污染与节约 城市水资源为出发点,对城市污水集中处理制度提出了完善构建措施。这些措施 涵盖污水处理费用收取、再生水回用、污水处理市场准入与退出、政府监管、以 及配套规范完善方面,主要体现了政府在其中的责任与作为。以此提高城市污水 集中处理的制度效益。 关键词:城市污水事业型集中处理;城市污水市场化集中处理;制度完善 Discussion on Improving the Efficiency of the System for Urban Centralized Sewage Treatment Abstract Since the system of concentrated treatment of urban sewage has been established in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution of 1996,compared with distributed treatment of urban sewage,the situation of urban water pollution is effectively improved.But for a long time, the nature of municipal sewage treatment plant is institution,and it is operated by government . Administrative monopoly and the integration of government administration with enterprise government department's running lead to the problem of inefficient sewage treatment and Shortage of funds,which affects the function of the system of concentrated treatment of urban sewage .The system of concentrated treatment of urbansewage shouldbeimproved. In fact ,many western countries have faced the same severe test,but their awareness and reform of the problem are much earlier.As early as the seventies and eighties of the 20th century,Britain and other countries have launched market-oriented reforms of the field of sewage treatment,and introduced competition in the market mechanism with multiple investors,expanding the sources of funding,improveing the efficiency ofthesewagetreatment,and improvingurban waterquality. Le


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