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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ? 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. Reducing the barriers of entry to building web-friendly applications and businesses. We have looked at the investment we have made in technology over the last 10 years and Amazon Web Services strategy is to see what parts of our technology is exposed to developers outside of A * 山东大学软件学院 SSME V4.0 * Service-Oriented Architecture——一个例子 In order to work more efficiently, each division adapted their invoicing/billing systems to suit their new business processes. Although this created efficiencies and cost-savings across each division, it also caused a lot of problems between the different business units. Because there was a lack of standardization, similar transactions were given different names, treated differently, and recorded differently to the financial systems. As a result, errors were common and the companies wasted a lot of money performing duplicate tasks. This also made budgeting and strategic planning difficult, since the company had a hard time understanding where they stood financially 山东大学软件学院 SSME V4.0 * Service-Oriented Architecture ——一个例子 With Service-Oriented Architecture, each division could develop and adhere to their own processes, while also sharing a common invoicing and shipping system with the rest of the company. Instead of giving each division their own systems to modify, “invoicing and shipping” becomes a “service” which can be made accessible to developers A service is similar to a “class” or “function” that a programmer would use. Except that a service is not a block of computer code. Instead, it’s a business process that has been computerized All of the business units share the same service on the corporate system, but they modify it to suit their purposes. If one business unit needs to make a change to the shared servic


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