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Sheet1 平均每年递增(%) Average Annual Increase Rate (%) 1953-1957 1958-1962 1963-1965 1966-1970 1971-1975 1976-1980 1981-1985 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 1981-1990 1991-2000 1953-2009 1979-2009 2009比2008 1-7?主要年份国民经济主要指标和增长速度 Main Indicators and Increase Rate of National Economy in Main Years 注:1. 本表全市生产总值、人均生产总值、社会劳动生产率速度按可比价计算。 社会从业人员数 (万人) Number of Employment Personnel (10 000 persons) # 出 口 Exports 2. 农林牧渔业总产值速度按可比价计算。 3. 工业总产值1995年以后为现价新规定,以前为原规定,速度按可比价计算,以下各表同。 4. 金融机构人民币存、贷款余额为当年年末数。 5. 1994年以前全市财政收支为原地方预算内财政收支口径;1994年以后为分税制后的全市财政收支数;增长速度按可比口径计算。 6. 2003年起社会消费品零售总额为新口径。增长速度均为可比口径,并已扣除物价因素。 7. 2003年开始实际直接利用外资额采用商务部口径,速度按可比口径计算,以下相关表同。 8. 1998年以前劳动报酬指标为职工工资口径,计算增长速度时已扣除物价因素。 9. 计算城市居民人均收支增长速度按可比口径,并已扣除物价因素。 # 执业及 助理医师 Certified Assistant Doctors Note:a) Increase rate of gross domestic product, per capita GDP and society labour productivity are calculated at constant prices. b) Increase rate of gross output value of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery are based on constant prices. c) Gross output value of industry are calculated at current prices d) RMB deposits and loans of financial institutions are year-end figures. f) Since 2003, retail sales of consumer goods has been calculated on new statistical coverage. The increase rate of retail sales of consumer goods are calculated at constant price and have deducted price sectors. g) Since 2003, foreign direct investment refer to new coverage of Ministry of Commerce, its increase rate is calculated on the basis of constant coverage, same as following next. h) Before 1998, total remuneration and per capita remuneration refer to wage of staff and workers, average annual increase rate of these indicators have deducted price sector


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