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磁标记反义探针对小鼠的急性毒理观察 文 明 欧阳羽,柏 玮,罗 弋,李少林 (重庆医科大学附属第一医院放射科 重庆 400016) 摘 要:目的 评价SPIO标记的c-erbB2反义寡脱氧核苷酸探针对小鼠的急性毒性为一步基础。清洁级昆明种小鼠口服灌胃、静脉注射、腹腔注射组口服灌胃总剂量为2 104.8 mg/kg,给药容积40 ml/kg;静脉注射 mg/kg,给药容积25 ml/kg;腹腔注射 mg/kg,给药容积30 ml/kg;各组还另设20只小鼠按相应方式给予等量生理盐水作为对照。所有实验小鼠均在25 ℃室温下连续饲养14 d,观察主要脏器的病理学和改变在观察期间组均未出现死亡食欲下降恢复正常主要脏器未见明显HE染色切片肝、脾、肾、心、肺、生殖器等细胞和Wright染色的骨髓细胞均无水肿、变性、坏死等改变。急性毒性。 钠米粒Acute toxicity test to mice of antisense probe labeled with magnetism WEN Ming, OUYANG Yu, BAI Wei, LUO Yi, LI Shao-lin (Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China) Abstract: Objective To investigate the acute toxicity test to mice of c-erbB2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (ASODN) probes labeled by superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparitcle for further study in vivo MR gene imaging and targeting gene therapy. Methods The maximum dose were used in this experiment. Health and clean grade of 60 Kunming mice were divided into oral administration, intravenous injection and intaperitoneal injection groups randomly. The oral administration with a total dose 2104.8 mg/kg and a volume 40ml/kg, intravenous with a total dose 438.5mg/kg and a volume 25ml/kg, intraperitoneal injection with a total dose 1578.6mg/kg and a volume 30ml/kg respectively, and 20 mice in each groups were used as the control group as the same administration pattern and the same doses. All experimental mice were feed in 25℃, the general condition, blood routine examination and mostly biochemical index and the main viscera pathological morphology were recorded in 14 days feeding period. Results During the observation period, there were no any mice’ death, only a few had appetite loss and increased drinking-water, diarrhea, sleep, increased activities and all abnormalities disappered in 3 days. There were no abnormality in color and morphology of liver, spleen, kindey, heart, lungs, bone marrow and genitals, none statistical differential of viscera coefficient.


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