
笔架山石灰石矿床200万t╱a开采设计 采矿毕业设计论文_9.doc

笔架山石灰石矿床200万t╱a开采设计 采矿毕业设计论文_9.doc

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笔架山石灰石矿床200万t╱a开采设计 采矿毕业设计论文_9

Southwest university of science and technology 本科毕业设计 笔架山石灰石矿床200万t/a开采设计 学院名称 环境与资源学院 专业名称 采矿工程 学生姓名 学号 20100 指导教师 二〇一四年六月 笔架山石灰石矿床200万t/a开采设计 摘要:石灰石是重要的建筑材料,也是许多工业的重要原料,石灰石具有重要的意义。本次毕业设计据给的矿区地质资料、交通条件、地理位置、气象条件、经济情况、地质勘探、矿床地质、矿体分布、开采规模及技术条件等依据采矿手册以及其他类似矿山的经验,对该矿山采矿方进行初步设计,设计内容主要有:确定露天开采境界,矿床开拓运输方案的比较论证,矿山生产能力的验证,矿山开采工艺,排土场布置及其排岩工艺、相关设备的选取和矿山工作制度的编制等。专题部分露天矿山溜井堵塞机理分析及其预防,包括露天矿山溜井的堵塞现状、堵塞原因、堵塞机理、预防措施、处理方法以及具体矿山溜井的堵塞情况。 关键词:石灰石矿开采设计溜井堵塞预防措施Mining Design of 2 Million Tons Per-year of Bijiashan Limestone Deposit Abstract: The limestone is an important building material, it is also a major raw material for many industrial, so it is significant to mining limestone source. This graduation design is based on the given geological data,the traffic conditions at mining area, geographical location, weather conditions, economic conditions,geological exploration, geology of ore deposits, ore body distribution, production scale and technical conditions. Following by the mining design manual and other similar mine experience, carries on the preliminary design of the mining scheme, this design content mainly includes: the determination of pit, comparisons of the ore bed development transportation plan, verification of the mine production capacity, the mining technology, the dump waste rock arrangement and other related equipment, the process selection and compilation of mine work system. The design achievements include the design specification, mining plans, mining method at the end of figure, open up the system diagram and the corresponding figure, schedule.The special study analyzed the mechanism of open pit mine blockage and the according prevention, it is including the blockage of open-pit mine chute plugging in blocking prevention, treatment methods and the specific draw shaft. keywords:limestone mine; mining design; chute of blockage; preventive measure 目录 前 言 1 第1章 绪论 2 1.1设计任务与目的 2 1.1.1设计任务 2 1.1.2设计目的 2 1.1.3设计依据 2 1.2 矿区概况 3 1.2.1 矿区地理位置 3 1.2.2 矿


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