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晋 中 学 院 本科毕业设计 题 目 液压缸组件设计 院 系 机械学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名 刘晓萍 学 号 0914112114 学习年限 2009年9月至2013年6月 指导教师 李彩联 职称 讲师 申请学位 工学 学士学位 2013年 05 月 30 日 液压缸组件设计 学生姓名:刘晓萍 指导教师:李彩联 摘 要:在液压与气压传动系统中,会经常用到液压活塞缸的形式,它广泛地存在于各个领域中。通常活塞缸的组成部分是缸底、缸筒、活塞、活塞杆和端盖等主要部件。有时,在液压缸的连接处,比如缸体和缸盖法兰部分,缸盖与活塞部分,活塞与活塞杆部分等需要安装密封装置,以减少和防止外部灰尘或者内部油液的进出和泄露。缸体的运动过程中,由于惯性、速度、质量等原因,活塞在运动到行程终端时会与缸底发生碰撞,从而引起能量的损失和传动失衡,因此需要在缸体内部安装缓冲装置。此外,在必要时还需要在液压缸体的某些部位安装排气装置和防尘装置以使整个传动机构精度提高、效率提升。液压缸的设计需要根据已给数据和要求来进行,对液压缸的结构进行设计、选择、检验、制造等方面的考虑。 关键字:活塞;活塞杆;缸盖;缸体; Design specification of the hydraulic cylinder assembly Author’s Name:Liu Xiaoping Tutor:Li Cailian ABSTRACT: The piston cylinder usually be used in the hydraulic and pneumatic drive system,the main part of the piston cylinder is bottom, cylinder, piston, piston rod and cover. To prevent the working medium to the outside of the cylinder or by a high-pressure chamber to the low pressure chamber leakage, a seal between the cylinder cover, piston and piston rod, piston rod with end caps, piston and cylinder device. The outside of the end cap is also equipped with dust-proof device. In order to prevent impact cylinder head, piston rapid movement to the stroke end cushioning device may also be provided in the end portion of the cylinder. The basic part of the cylinder by cylinder assembly, the piston assembly, the sealing member, and a buffer, the connection member. Further, according to the needs cylinder is also provided with the exhaust means and dustproof device. During the design of the hydraulic cylinder, in accordance with the requirements of the working pressure, velocity, working conditions, processing and disassembly repair sum considering the structure of the various parts of the cylinder. KEYWORDS:piston;piston rod;cylinder head;cylinder 目 录 1 绪论………………………………………………………………1 2 设计内容及所给参数…………………………………………………2 2.1 设计内容……………………………………………………


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