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学号: 1007114002 高中议论文写作教学误区浅析 学院名称: 政治与公共管理学院 第二专业: 汉语言文学 主修专业: 思想政治教育 年级班别: 2010级(2)班 姓 名: 郑 红 威 指导教师: 刘 安 娜 2014年5月 高中议论文文写作教学误区浅析 摘 要 在现阶段高中语文教学活动中,议论文写作教学逐渐成为师生关注的焦点,新课程改革也对学生写作能力的培养提出了新要求[9]。但是,纵观议论文教学的课题研究发现多数研究成果还侧重在对议论文自身的发展和议论文写作模式探究等几个方面,在众多有关议论文教学研究中忽视了对学生的心理特点、学生运用语言能力、老师教学和学生学习误区的研究和探讨。鉴于此,笔者将以学生的心理发展特点及老师在议论文写作教学中存在的误区为切入点,对高中议论文写作教学现状进行深刻反思,归纳总结出教学中的误区,进而为营造高效议论文教学课堂提出一些行之有效的措施。 关键词 议论文 写作教学 误区 措施 Briefly talk about igh School Argumentation writing teaching Abstract At this stage of Chinese teaching activities in high school, writing and teaching argumentative essay has gradually become the focus of teachers and students. The new curriculum reform also brings up new demands for cultivating students’ writing ability. However, throughout the subject researches about argumentative essay teaching, we will find that most researches still put particular emphasis on these aspects such as the development of argumentative essay and exploring the writing mode of argumentative essay. Many researches about argumentative essay ignore the researches and discussions on psychological characteristics of students, students’ ability of using languages and the mistakes about teachers’ teaching activities. For this reason, the author will take the students’ features of psychological development and the mistakes between the teachers in argumentative essay writing and teaching as the breakthrough point to rethink profoundly the status of argumentative essay writing and teaching in high school. Besides, the author will summarize the mistakes in teaching activities and will comp up with some effective measures to create a high-efficient class for the teaching of argumentative essay. Keywords: argumentation; writing teaching; misunderstanding; measures 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………… I Abstract…


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