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我行小微信贷专业品牌设计范例: 网上融资产品 成的销售人员 成功小企业从业人员应俱备的心理条件 小企业信贷文化建设和团队建设-----同等重要 团队构成:前台VS后台 营销VS操作 授权VS制衡 选信贷员与选客户------同等重要 选人VS管人;工作阅历vs信贷经验;男VS女 本土VS本行 从业技术与从业精神的培养-----同等重要 简单+勤奋 经验+悟性 认真+用心 能动+秩序 长久的保持良好职业操守的队伍 是保持小(微)企业信贷基业常青的重要课题! 小企业信贷团队文化建设 结束语 积跬步至千里、 积小流成江河 坚定不移的信心、永不气馁的决心、持之以恒的恒心 理论专著编写 《普惠之路》 合作单位:哈尔滨商业大学 理论主旨:小额信贷案例专著 《普惠之路》 合作单位:中国社科院 理论主旨:某银行战备转型研究 《小额信贷蓝海》 《小额信贷蓝海》 对外合作领域 * * This slide presents the different levels in the enterprise (or business) pyramid. The base of the pyramid is where most enterprises are classified and although they comprise close to half of the enterprises classification, these segment is largely un-banked; due to small business sizes, this segment has little or no access to financial products and services which they need to grow their businesses. It is this market segment that is specifically targeted by institutions providing microfinance. The microenterprise sector is further sub-divided into three categories: (click each category and explain before showing the next category) SUBSISTENCE MICROENTERPRISE – which are characterized by the following: No stable location; usually street vendors with limited market Do not keep records Combined management of family/business cash Few assets (inventory fixed assets); usually only have enough capital to support one business cycle No capacity for savings or expanding the business Little or no variety of products No division of labor: no employees Minimal technical management training Limited debt capacity No access to traditional lending institutions STABLE MICROENTERPRISE Stable business location Low levels of inventory, machinery equipment Just beginning to use somewhat skilled labor Operations financed by informal sources suppliers Combined management of family/business cash Provide a variety of products Capacity for some investments Some capacity for savings from business income Some employees


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