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南 京 理 工 大 学 毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 陈杰 学 号: 0916150209 学院(系): 材料科学与工程学院 专 业: 材料成型及控制工程 题 目: 大型轴类锻件锻造工艺过程数值模拟 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2013 年 6 月 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 本文针对2MW风电主轴为研究对象,将其完整的锻造工艺分成了四大锻造步骤,并运用有限元软件DEFORM,重点对倒棱滚圆、镦粗、拔长、号印分料和模锻等步骤分别进行了数值模拟。在模拟过程中分析了各个步骤的锻件内部应力应变和尺寸精度的影响。具体的研究内容和所得结论如下: 获得了大型风电主轴类锻件倒棱滚圆过程有限元模型,使用平砧滚圆,截面平均直径值与初始方形锻件边长相比增加2.8%, 获得了大型风电主轴类锻件镦粗拔长过程有限元模型,,研究了拔长过程中接砧量对工件表面缺陷的影响。应设定较小的接砧量60mm,保证锻件表面质量并且提高工作效率。 获得了大型风电主轴类锻件模锻过程有限元模型,研究了模锻过程中锻件应力应变和温度的改变,以及最终锻件的精度。最终锻件顶部平均直径1546mm,底部直径405mm,均符合工艺卡要求。 关键词 风电主轴,数值模拟,锻造工艺,, 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title STUDY ON FE SIMULATION OF FORGING PROCESS OF HEAVY AXIAL FORGINGS Abstract The complete forging process of 2MW wind power axis is studied and divided into 4 main forging approaches firstly. Then, the finite element code DEFORM is applied to simulate the different forging approach sequentially. And finally, by analyzing the influence of different forging parameters on the internal quality and size precision of the final-shaped forging. The main research contents and conclusions of this article are summarized as follows: The chamfering and rounding process of wind power axis are simulated. During the simulation, the strain-stress distribution,temperature and the size precision of the final forging are discussed. With a flat anvil rounded,the cross-sectional average diameter of forging increases by 2.8% compared to the original. The heading and stretching process of wind power axis are simulated. During the simulation, the impact of received-anvil- distance on surface defects the final forging are discussed. Setting the received-anvil-distance of 60mm , which not only improve work efficiency, but also to ensure the surface of the final forging. The die forging process of wind power axis is simulated. During the simulation, the strai


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