Lesson 1 China’s Emerging the World Economic.txt.ppt

Lesson 1 China’s Emerging the World Economic.txt.ppt

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Lesson 1 China’s Emerging the World Economic 1. Joint Venture: (para1) Joint Venture: (para1)合资企业,合营企业,联营企业,联合投资企业 —(law) (a) A combination of two or more individuals or legal entities who undertake together a transaction for mutual gain or to engage in a commercial enterprise together with mutual sharing of profits and losses. Cooperative (contractual) joint venture (b) A form of business partnership involving joint management and the sharing of risks and profits as between enterprises based in different countries. If joint ownership of capital is involved, the partnership is known as an equity joint venture. Differences between cooperative joint venture and equity joint venture Joint Venture-other related terms equity: 权益,业主权,产权(a) Any right or claim to assets; a liability. an equity holder may be a creditor, part owner, proprietor, or stock-holder. (b) An interest property or in a business, subject to claims of creditors; equity ownership. Total equity is an equivalent British terms. (c) Hence common stock plus retained earnings Equities: n. 可以作为普通股讲 Equity-continued 业主权益(Owners‘ equity 或 Ownership equity),也译作所有者权益。 杠杆租赁(Leveraged Lease)又称为第三者权益租赁(Third-party Equity Lease) 、融资租赁 股本回报率(又称股权收益率、股本收益率或股东回报率或股东报酬率,英文:Return On Equity,简称ROE) 公平理论(Equity Theory) Joint Venture-other related terms The Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) : 100 percent foreign-owned enterprises. 独资企业 Processing Trade 加工贸易 -Produce according to a sample provided by the customer 来样加工 -Assembly manufacturing来料装配 -Compensation 补偿贸易 2.Entrepreneurship(para1) Entrepreneur 创业家 An undertaker of enterprise, The terms, having the same roots, was borrowed from the French because of the connotations of the word “undertaker” . he is regarded as hiring both labor and capital for employment in the enterprise rather than being hired by either. His identity and functions in real life are distributed among those of promoters, investment houses, investors, boards of directors, and management.


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