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基本句型二 主系表 S+V+P He is happy. Everything looks nice. His face turned red. 基本句型二 主系表 S V P He is happy. Everything looks nice. His face turned red. 基本句型三 主谓宾 (S+Vt+O) 我们每天都学英语。 We study English every day. 他们正在踢足球。 They are playing football. 他喜欢看书。 He enjoys reading. 她说“早上好。” She said Good morning. 基本句型三 主谓宾 S+Vt+O We study English every day. They are playing football. He enjoys reading. She said “Good morning.” 基本句型三 主谓宾 S Vt O We They He She study are playing enjoys said English every day. football. reading. “Good morning.” 基本句型四: 主+谓+间宾+直宾 (S Vt(及物)O(多指人)O(多指物)) 我给了他一本书。 I gave him a book. 我妈昨天给我买了一只钢笔。 My mother bought me a pen yesterday. 我把照片给他看了。 I showed him my picture. 基本句型四: 主+谓+间宾+直宾 S Vt(及物)O(多指人)O(多指物) I gave him a book. My mother bought me a pen yesterday. I showed him my picture. 基本句型四: 主+谓+间宾+直宾 S Vt(及物) O (人) O (物) I gave him a book. My mother bought me a pen yesterday. I showed him my picture. 基本句型五: 主+谓+宾+宾补 [S+Vt(及物)+O (宾语)+C(宾补)] 我们必须把门开着。 We must keep the door open. 这个消息让我开心。 The news makes me happy. 我们叫他Jim。 We call him Jim. 他叫我去洗盘子。 He told me to wash the plates. 我看见一个小偷进你的房间。 I saw a thief go(ing) into your room. 基本句型五: 主+谓+宾+宾补 S+Vt(及物)+O (宾语)+C(宾补) We must keep the door open. The news makes me happy. We call him Jim. He told me to wash the plates. I saw a thief going into your room. 基本句型五:主+谓+宾+宾补 S Vt(及物) O (宾语) C(宾补) We must keep the door open. The news makes me happy. We call him Jim. He told me to wash the plates. I saw a thief going into your room. 翻译并划句法成分。 1.请你离开家前关好窗户。 Please close the window before you leave your home. 2.王琳是我的一个密友。 Wang Lin is one of my close friends. 3.我们必须把窗户开着。 We must keep the window open. 4.我忘了修手表。 I forgot to mend my watch. I forgot to have my watch repaired. 5.他们现在正在看电视。 They are watching TV now. 6. 我想要一瓶水。 I would like a bottle of water. 7.他常浇花。 He often waters the flowers. 8.那位漂亮的女孩要坐快车去南京。 The beautiful girl will go to Nanjing on a fast train. 9. 他的兄弟游泳快。 His brother swims fast.


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