第01章 绪论2011".ppt

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从人为的因素考虑,城市空气质量的控制取决于城市规划、管理措施的到位和社会经济及控制技术的支撑两个方面。 城市空气质量控制已从最初的污染源排放控制发展成为一项系统工程,内容涉及到城市规划与生态系统、城市污染源和空气质量监测、城市能源结构调整、交通流量规划与公共交通选择,市民环保意识的提高等。 空气污染综合控制措施 全面规划,合理布局 严格环境管理 控制空气污染的技术措施 控制空气污染的经济措施 绿化造林 安装废气净化装置 提高公众环保意识 控制大气污染的技术措施 清洁生产:清洁的生产过程和清洁的产品 可持续发展的能源战略 改善能源供应结构和布局,提高清洁能源和优质能源比例 提高能源利用效率和节约能源 推广少污染的煤炭开采技术和清洁煤技术 积极开发利用新能源和可再生能源 建立综合性工业基地:各企业间相互利用原材料和废弃物,减少污染物排放总量 控制污染的经济政策 必要的环境保护投资 环保投资占国民生产总值(GNP)的比例,发展中国家为0.5%~1%,发达国家为1%~2% 我国目前比例为0.7%~0.8%,希望能达到1.5% 实行“污染者和使用者支付原则”,可采用的经济手段: 建立市场(排污许可证制度等) 税收手段(污染税、资源税等) 收费制度(排污费等) 财政手段(生态环境基金等) 责任制度(赔偿损失和罚款等) * Alex Bugarski, Mridul Gautam,West Virginia University, Morgantown,USA,4th ETH Conf, Size Distribution and Deposition in Human Respiratory Tract: Particle Mass and Number * Pollutants released directly into the atmosphere in their unmodified forms and in sufficient quantities to pose a health risk * Secondary air pollutants are compounds that results from the interaction of various primary air pollutants. Photochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants resulting from the interaction of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons with ultraviolet light. The two most destructive components of photochemical smog are ozone(O3) and peroxyacetylnitrates(PAN,过氧乙酰硝酸酯) * Acid Deposition is the accumulation of potential acid-forming particles on a surface. Acids result from natural causes and from human activities. The acid-forming reactants are classified as wet or dry. * Molecules from natural sources, power plants, and internal combustion engines react to produce the chemicals that are the source of acid deposition * The most widely used equation for estimating visibility is the Koschmeider equation: where Lv is the visual range, the distance at which an average person can barely distinguish a dark object( such as a mountain or skyscraper ) against the sky. This equation is an approximation, based on an average set of atmospheric particles. * Use the equation to estimate the visual range when the particulate concentr


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