U5M2 人教新课标 一轮复习分析.ppt

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⑵ 你是否还记得你加入我们俱乐部的日子? Do you still remember the day _______ ___________________? 仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 ⑴ 这就是他拒绝我们的邀请的理由吗? Is this the reason __________________ _____________. for which he refused our invitation on which you joined our club 原句 They may start as a group of high school students, for whom practicing their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame.他们开始可能是一组中学生, 在某个人家里排练音乐是成名的第一步。(B2P34) 2. 定语从句: 先行词, 介词+whom 例句 The famous writer with whom we are familiar will visit our school next week. 那个我们大家都熟悉的著名作家下个星期将参观我们学校。 ⑴ 真正的朋友就是一个我们可以完全信赖的人。 A real friend is a person ____________ ____________________. 仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。 ⑵ 他是一个热心肠的人, 从他身上我们学到了很多东西。 He is a kind-hearted person, ________ ________________________. on whom we can completely rely whom we have learned a lot from 原句 Their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups. 他们的表演那么幽默, 足以被其它乐队所模仿。(B2P34) 3. adj./adv.+ enough +to do足够…做某事 ⑴ 他已经足够大了, 可以自己做决定了。 He ___________________ decisions by himself. ⑵ 这个报告厅足够大能容纳超过2,000名学生。 This lecture hall____________________ more than 2,000 students. 仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。 is big enough to admit is old enough to make 原句 But as soon as the programme was over, the telephones which were in the same room started ringing. 节目一结束,同一间房子里的电话开始响起来了。 4. as soon as 一……就…… 说明 the moment…, no sooner … than…, hardly/scarcely … when…,immediately等结构也可以表示“一……就……”。 例句 As soon as we arrived home, it began to rain. 我们一到家, 天就开始下起雨来了。 他一到火车站, 火车就离开了。 ⑴ __________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ , the train left. 仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 As soon as he arrived at the train station/The moment he arrived at the train station ⑵ He ______________________ _________________ than the train left. = No sooner had he arrived at the train station than the train left. had no sooner arrived at the train station ⑶ He ____________________ _______________ when the train left. = Hardly had he arrived at the train stati


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