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中国书画理论研究的两种范式 ——邓以蛰、宗白华书画美学思想比较 摘 要 邓以蛰、宗白华两先生都是中国现代著名的美学家,在新文 化运动后期,他们都把学术研究的重心集中于中国书画美学。两 先生皆在中西广博深厚的学术背景下,以各自的理论方法去研究 中国传统的书画美学,确立了中国书画理论研究的光辉典范。他 们的书画美学思想尤其书画理论研究的方法对于当时及后来的中 国书画理论研究者有着重大的影响和启示作用。本文以邓、宗两 先生学术研究方法的差异为重心,一方面对两先生的书画美学思 想作总体把握,另一方面对两先生的书画美学思想进行比较探研, 希望能以此廓清两位先生书画美学研究的总体面貌并增进人们对 两先生所分别确立的中国书画理论研究的两种范式的认识。 本文分为四个部分,分别从邓、宗两先生在中西文化对流中 所做的文化选择;邓、宗二人书画美学的理论方法及其文化哲学 基础;邓、宗二人对“书画同源”、“以大观小”、“气韵生动”三 个书画美学命题的分别阐释,以及邓、宗二人的书画美学研究对 当今书画美学研究的启示四个方面展开论述。 关键词: 邓以蛰 宗白华 书画美学 范式 -1- Two Paradigms of Study on Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Esthetics ——Comparision of Calligraphy and Painting Aesthetics Ideas between Deng Yi- zhe s and Zong Bai- hua s Abstract Deng Yi-zhe and Zong Bai-hua are both famous modern estheticians. In the later part of New Culture Movement, they both focused on Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Esthetics. They established their respective glorious paradigms of study on Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Esthetics, based on the extensive and profound knowledge of the Eastern and Western Culture. Their calligraphy and painting esthetics ideas, particularly the theory methods of study, influence and inspire the scholars in this field that time and afterwards. Based on the difference of their study methods, on the one hand, this paper tries to wholly grasp their calligraphy and painting aesthetics ideas; on the other hand, it compares their calligraphy and painting aesthetics ideas in order to contribute to people’s understanding of their two Paradigms of Study. This paper is divided into four parts as follows: Deng’ s and Zong`s culture-choosing during culture exchange between


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