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Section 1 Partnership Accounting 1.1 Characteristics of a partnership Voluntary association (自愿的联盟) Partnership agreement (合伙契约) Limited life (有限经营期限) A partnership has a limited life because it is easily dissolved when (1) a new partner is admitted; (2) a partner withdraws; (3) a partner goes bankrupt or becomes incompetent; (4) a partner dies or retires; (5) the partnership ends according to the partnership agreement. Section 1 Partnership Accounting Unlimited liability (无限责任) Co-ownership of property (财产共有) Participation in profits and losses (参与损益分配) Section 1 Partnership Accounting Advantages and disadvantages of a partnership (合伙制的利弊) Advantages are that a partnership is easy to form, to change, and to dissolve. Also, a partnership facilitates the pooling of capital resources and individual talents. The disadvantages are that the life of a partnership is limited and that it is difficult for a partnership to raise large amount of capital. Section 1 Partnership Accounting 1.2 Partnership accounting (合伙会计) Formation of a partnership (合伙企业的组成) Example 4.1 Example 4.2 Example 4.3 Example 4.4 Section 1 Partnership Accounting Example 4.6 Suppose Colin Lambert invested $50,000 into L L Co., the entry to record his investment is: Cash 50000 Colin Lambert, Capital 50000 Section 1 Partnership Accounting Distribution of partnership income and losses (合伙企业的损益分配) The major methods for partners to share income and losses are: a. Stated ratios (设定比例) Stated ratios are applied when all partners agree to give certain partners certain percentage or fraction of the total in sharing the income. Section 1 Partnership Accounting Example 4.7 Assume that LLCo. had a net income of $88,000 during the first month’s operation. Their partnership agreement stated that the percentage distributed to Ted and Colin should be 60%and 40%, respectively


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