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China daily October 22,2013 第六组 Govt to expand elderly care The government is planning to increase support for families caring for elderly relatives, providing community care assistance to all urban communities and 50 percent of rural communities by 2015, according to a senior official. Govt: govt is a written abbreviation for government. Govt to expand elderly care Prioritize 1,to prioritize his personal goals将他的个人目标按优先顺序排列 2,to prioritize the agricultural programme 优先考虑农业计划[英国英语亦作 prioritise] vt. prioritized . Prioritizing Eg.Prioritize your own wants rather than constantly thinking about others. 优先考虑你自己的需要,而不要总想着别人。 扩展:prior,priority Prior : coming before in time, order or importance 较早的; 居先的; 较重要的 prior to ? earlier in time,order or importance较早的;较前的 priority n.1. give ~ to把优先权给与… 2. according to ~依照顺序,依次 3.take ~ of获得…的优先权,比…优先 Govt to expand elderly care The family should be the backbone of the support network for elderly people. backbone. ?n脊椎; 骨干; 中枢;骨气;BACKBONE计算机网络名词,译名为网络的骨干;因特网的实际基础结构 (计算机用语) 短语:have ~有骨气 to the backbone(口语)彻头彻尾的[地],纯粹的[地], 地道的[地] Govt to expand elderly care China views in-home care as the foundation of its elderly care strategy, a position that is reflected in amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly that took effect on July 1. in-home care 居家养老服务 amendment《amend 的名词》 1 改正,修正 2 改进,改良,改善 3 [the Amendments] (美国宪法之) 修正案 (→ bill of rights (2) amend vt. 改善,改良,改正行为等;修正 法律、议案等. vi. 改过,悔改 同义词辨析correct,rectify,remedy,revise,amend ? 这些动词均含“纠正,改正”之意。 correct → 指纠正或改正不正确、不真实或有缺点的东西。 rectify → 正式用词,意义较抽象,侧重指彻底改正偏离子正确标准或规则的东西。 remedy → 正式用词,通常指在局部范围内进行纠正,尤指对困难或棘手问题的解决。 revise → 指通过仔细阅读、反复思考后而进行改正、订正或修订,使趋于完善。 amend → 书面语用词。指进行更正或改变,使之更好,符合更高的要求。 The new law has highlighted the need for improved policies to support family caregivers. highlight n.(名词) 1.An area or a spot in a drawing, painting, or photo


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