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Task 1: Understanding Specific Information C A D D C A C B A D C C Translation 老虎立刻扑了出来,一瞬间把那只羊撕成了碎片 她是父亲的掌上明珠 小偷被警察当场抓住 他喜欢自命为知识分子 他的眼睛一直盯着那个身穿蓝色衣服正在商店买烟的人 这对新人沐浴着花雨走出了教堂 他毫不迟疑地做出了最后决定。 * * * * ⒊ Major themes (Group 3) ⑴What are the major themes in this story? ⑵What was unique about the king’s arena? ⑶How is the king’s system of justice different from most other forms? And why do you think he uses this system? One of the major themes is… Love between the princess and her courtier. The other is - - - Jealous was the princess of the lady. pUnished for crime by choosing the tiger. Something no one had ever dared do was to love the daughter of a king. The selected lady was the loveliest and fairest in the court. PrIncess knew what was behind which each door. Cages searched for the most savage tiger for the young man. sEmibarbaric in nature was the king. In the judicial system created by the king, the accused was given a choice between two doors. Whatever was behind the door was one’s fate. Because it was based on luck, this system wasn’t fair. It provided entertainment for the king and his people. Major themes Connect In what ways is the king’s justice similar to flipping a coin to decide an important question? In both cases, chance alone determines the outcome. The members of the community support this method because: They find the trials exciting and entertaining, as well as fair, since the accused made the choice. During the Middle Ages in England, guilt or innocence was decided through a practice known as an ordeal. An accused person was physically tested, and the outcome determined guilt or innocence. The accusers believed that supernatural forces controlled what happened. For instance, in the ordeal by water, the accused person was tied up and thrown into deep water. A person who floated was thought to be guilty; a person who sank was considered innocent. Unfortunately, those who sank often drowned before they could be hauled back up. ⒋ Conflicts


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