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Copyright Pay Reward for 徐斌 設定薪酬結構 Developing Salary Structure 設定薪酬結構之考慮因素 Developing Salary Structure- Considerations Base Pay Policy 基本薪酬政策 Decide Competitive Reference Salary 決定具有競爭性的標準工資 Decide Salary Ranges 制定工資幅度 Range Overlap 幅度重疊 Significance of Salary Range 工資幅度的重要性 How many structures? 多少個結構? Overs and Unders高出/底於工資幅度 薪 酬 政 策 Compensation Policy $ Grade 级 别 标 准 工 资 Reference Salary 定下最经济的标准工资以支付公司架构图 Define the most economic reference salary to pay for the organization chart 建立最少增加幅度之标准工资 Establish the smallest possible increase of reference salary 中國市場數據 Market Data on China - 上海製造業 Shanghai Manufacturing WOFE (1) Data as at April 1999 90百分比 90th Percentile 75百分比 75th Percentile 中位數 Median 25百分比 25th Percentile 10百分比 10th Percentile RMB Position Class 貴公司以及市場比較 Your Company vs the Market Comparison 75百分比 75th Percentile 中位數 Median 25百分比 25th Percentile 貴公司回歸線 Your company trendline RMB Position Class 建 立 竞 争 工 资 Develop Competitive Salaries RMB Grade PC 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Grade or Position Class 一 个 等 级 = 一 个 标 准 工 资 One Grade = One Reference Salary 标 准 工 资 = 竞 争 报 酬 = 招 聘 标 准 Reference Salary = Competitive Pay = Recruitment Standard 利用幅度制定工资架构 Develop Salary Structure with Ranges a b c = Mid-Point Progression 中点增加率 a1 - a2 = b1 - b2 = Range Spread 幅度 c1 - c2 = Question: How much should be the mid-point progression (%) between grades? How wide should the ranges be? How much should the range overlap? } Grade RMB 制定幅度 Developing Salary Range 由中点开始 (或标准工资) Start with Mid-Point (or Reference Salary) 决定幅度 Decide Range Spread 定最低工资 Establish Minimum 定最高工资 Establish Maximum 定最低工资 Establishing Minimum 最低 Minimum Mid-Point 中点 1 + Range 2 = ( ( E.g. Rmb 1,000 1 + 50% 2 = ( ( Rmb 1,000 1.25 = Rmb 800 = Rmb 1,000 1 + 50% 2 ( ( = 1 + (25%) = 1 + = 1 + 0.25 = 1.25 25 100 幅度 定最高工资 Establishing Maximum 最高 最低


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