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10.To an extent, there is no short cut in doing everything since the key to success lies in “Practice makes perfect”. 11.achievement 成就 n. a sense of achievement 成就感 _________(v), ________(adj)可达到的 12 welfare 福利, 福利事业 n 13.specialist 专家,专业工作者 _________(v), 14.connection连接,关系 connect A with/and B 15.behave 举动,表现 v behave well /badly (towards sb ) 对…有/没有礼貌 ___________行为, 举止, 习性 n achieve achievable specialize behavior Guessing game Name ID work achievement Arc Fry Qing ling a French girl dress as a man and fight for Franch help drive the English out of French a Quaker improve prison conditions and give prisoners work and education help the Quakers get the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947 Dr Sun Yat-sen’s wife concern herself with welfare projects found the China Welfare Institute Name ID work achievement Qiao zhi Jody Goodall doctor British USA devote herself to medical work found an international campaign to stop the making of landmines Study chimps encourage women to become doctors get Nobel Peace Prize connection between chimps and human beings We should be ready to sacrifice ourselves in different positions.– Hesse 2. One cannot make an omelet(煎蛋饼) without breaking eggs.有得必有失,有失必有得. 3. What do they have in common? What makes a great women? What do they have in common? 1. Work hard at their chosen careers. 2. Stick to their idea without any withdrawal 3. Overcome all sorts of difficulties 4. Give up things like families or life to achieve their ambition 5.Make great contributions to the society We have known something about Jane Goodall. Let’s look at the video. Reading A student of African wildlife After a glance of the title, what do you think the passage is about? Step1 prediction Step2 Fast reading 1. Who is the protector? 2. What animals are observed? Jane Goodall Chimps Step 3 Careful reading Para1 We visited chimps _________Jane Goodall’s way. Firstly, we _______ a family of chimps wake up; Then we _


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