RoCoS集聚纺纱技术研究 毕业论文.doc

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13 届毕业论文 RoCoS集聚纺纱技术研究 学生姓名 学 号 所属学院 机械电气化工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 13-2 指导教师 日 期 2013.05 塔里木大学教务处制 摘 要 文章介绍了一种新的集聚纺纱技术—RoCoS(Rotorcraft Compact Spinning System)。RoCoS集聚纺纱系统借助于RoCoS组合件构成三罗拉四皮辊牵伸结构, 采用磁铁— 机械式原理集束, 相继实现纱线的牵伸、集聚和加捻。RoCoS集聚纺纱技术结构简单,安装便捷,使用可靠,维护方便,克服了传统气流集束式集聚纺技术的不足。它适于纺棉型或毛型纱线,可用于新机或老机改造,是一种有较强市场发展潜力的新型集聚纺纱技术。 本文分析了RoCoS集聚纺装置的设计、纺纱原理、适用范围, 并对磁铁机械式集聚纺与普通环锭纺的成纱质量进行了测试对比。结果表明,RoCoS是一种投入少、免维护、纺纱质量好的集聚纺装置。 本文所做实验内容为在传统细纱机上加装RoCoS装置后,将粗纱纺制成细纱。文章主要对有无RoCoS装置成纱质量对比以及捻系数和后区牵伸倍数进行了单因子试验探讨。 由实验得出:加装RoCoS装置后,纱线毛羽、断裂强度、断裂伸长率、条干都是改善明显的。通过两个单因子探索得出:随捻系数的增加普梳棉纱毛羽是逐渐减小的,但到达一定程度后会有所增加。普梳棉毛羽随后区牵伸倍数的变化程度不大,总体有个先减少后增加的趋势。 关键字:集聚纺;RoCoS;纱线;质量;毛羽 Abstract The article introduces a new compact spinning technology-Rocos (Rotorcraft Compact Spinning System). The RoCoS compact spinning system constitutes three roller roller drafting structure by means of RoCoS assembly, magnet - the principle of mechanical cluster, have been drafting, gathering and twisting of yarn. The agglomeration spinning technology RoCoS simple structure, easy to install, reliable, easy to maintain, and overcome the the traditional airflow cluster spinning the lack of technology. It is suitable for the type of spinning cotton or wool yarn can be used for a new machine or old machine is a strong market potential for the development of a new type of compact spinning technology. This paper analyzes the RoCoS spinning device design, spinning principle, the scope of the mechanical spinning of the magnet were tested and compared with the ordinary ring-spun yarn quality. The results show that the the Rocos a small investment, maintenance-free, spinning good quality spinning device. This article made experimental content in the the traditional spinning installation of RoCoS device, roving spun yarn. Article whether RoCoS device into the yarn quality comparison


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