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新一代对等网络系统的拓扑性研究 ▅ 为什么要P2P ▅ 第一代无结构的P2P系统有什么问题 ▅ 新一代有结构的P2P系统有什么好处 ▅ 新一代P2P系统的拓扑结构模型 ▅ 新一代P2P系统的研究问题 南京大学软件新技术国家重点实验室 陈贵海 2003年12月27日 What is P2P Network—one version [Dynamic operability] P2P applications must keep operating transparently although hosts join and leave the network frequently. [Performance and scalability] P2P applications exhibit what economists call the “network effect” in which a network’s value to an individual user scales with the total number of participants. [Reliability] External attacks should not cause significant data or performance loss. [Anonymity] The application should protect the privacy of people seeking or providing sensitive information. What is P2P Network— My version [Equality] All peers assume equal role. [Non Centralized] No centralized server in the space. [Robust] Highly robust, resilient, and self-organizing. [Zero Hardware Cost] No further investments in hardware or bandwidth. [A hot topic] But huge investment in research, e.g, IRIS got $ 12M. How Did it Start? A killer application: Napster Free music over the Internet Key idea: share the storage and bandwidth of individual (home) users Napster: Example Napster: History history: 5/99: Shawn Fanning (freshman, Northeasten U.) founds Napster Online music service 12/99: first lawsuit 3/00: 25% UWisc traffic Napster 2000: est. 60M users 2/01: US Circuit Court of Appeals: Napster knew users violating copyright laws 7/01: # simultaneous online users: Napster 160K, Gnutella: 40K, Now: try to come back: Napster: problems centralized server: single logical point of failure can load balance among servers using DNS notation potential for congestion Napster “in control” (freedom is an illusion) no security: passwords in plain text no authentication no anonymity Gnutella Distribute file location and decentralize lookup. Idea: multicast the request Hot to find a file: Send request to all neighbors Neighbors recursively multicast the request Eventua


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