第七章 企业战略实施Chapter7 Implementing Strategies Management Issues.ppt

第七章 企业战略实施Chapter7 Implementing Strategies Management Issues.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ch 7-* Management Issues Restructuring (downsizing) -- Reducing the size of the firm –of employees, divisions, and/or units, of hierarchical levels to improve both efficiency and effectiveness Ch 7-* Management Issues Restructuring Downsizing Rightsizing Delayering Ch 7-* Management Issues Reengineering -- Reconfiguring or redesigning work, jobs, processes to improve cost, quality, service, speed. Ch 7-* Management Issues Reengineering Process management Process innovation Process redesign Ch 7-* Management Issues Reengineering is characterized by many tactical (short- term, business-function-specific ) decisions Restructuring is characterized by strategic (long-term, affecting all business functions) decisions Ch 7-* Management Issues Linking Pay/Performance to Strategies -- Pay for performance systems Ch 7-* Management Issues Linking Pay/Performance to Strategies Dual bonus systems Profit sharing systems Gain Sharing systems Ch 7-* Management Issues Resistance to Change -- Single greatest threat to successful strategy implementation Ch 7-* Management Issues Resistance to Change -- Raises anxiety; fear concerning Economic loss Inconvenience Uncertainty Break in status-quo Ch 7-* Management Issues Change Strategies Force Change Strategy Educative Change Strategy Rational or Self-Interest Change Strategy Ch 7-* Management Issues Natural Environment -- Wide appreciation for firms that “mend” rather than “harm” the environment Ch 7-* Management Issues Natural Environment – Environmental Strategies Develop/acquire “green” businesses Divesting environmental-damaging business Low-cost producer through waste minimization energy conservation Ch 7-* Management Issues Strategy-Supportive Culture -- Preserve, emphasize, build upon aspects of existing culture that support new strategies -- changing a firm’s culture to fit a new strategy is usually more effective than changing a strategy to fit an existing culture Ch 7-* M


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