
苏州欧尚与沃尔玛配送模式比较 毕业论文.doc

苏州欧尚与沃尔玛配送模式比较 毕业论文.doc

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毕业论文 论文题目 苏州欧尚与沃尔玛配送模式比较 院 (系) 经济与管理学院 专 业 物流管理 2012年6月7日 苏州欧尚与沃尔玛配送模式比较 摘 要 欧尚在配送中与第三方物流公司展开合作,将物流商的仓库作为自己的配送中心,由物流商完成大部分的配送工作。沃尔玛复制了它在美国的成功模式,建立自己的配送中心,每个配送中心负责一定区域范围内门店的配送工作。这两家零售企业在配送中都利用了集中配送带来的好处,采用了先进的信息管理系统和与第三方物流公司展开合作。而这两个企业的配送中心的形式、与供应商的关系以及对各种配送方式的侧重程度都是不一样的。欧尚在配送中存在的问题是与供应商的关系不佳、合作的物流商服务水平有限以及物流商仓库选址不合理等。为此,欧尚可以通过减少各种费用的收取、建立小区域范围内的物流分拨中心和建立对物流商的严格的选择和评价的标准。而沃尔玛在配送中存在的问题主要表现在配送中心、运输车队和信息系统上。这些问题可以通过建设更多的分店,完善信息系统和改变配送中心的运作方式来解决。 关键词 欧尚;沃尔玛;配送模式 Comparison on the Distribution Mode of Auchan and Walmart in Suzhou Abstract Auchan’s distribution mode is cooperating with 3PL. They use logistic operators’ warehouses as their distribution centers. In this case, most part of distribution is finished by logistic operators. Walmart copies its successful mode in America by building its own distribution centers in China. Each center is responsible for all the stores in some certain area. They all make use of the advantages which is brought about by concentralized distribution. What’s more, both of them take advantage of the advanced information management system and cooperate with 3PL. However, their distribution centers, the relationship with suppliers and the major distribution methods are different. We can find that the relationship between Auchan and its suppliers is not so well, the services provided by its logistic operators do not match Auchan’s requirement, and logistic operators’ warehouse site selection is not the best for Auchan. Therefore, Auchan should charge less fees, build their own distribution centers in a small area, and establish standards for choosing and evaluating logistic operators. The problems in Walmart’s distribution mode can be divided into three groups: distribution center, transportation system and information system. These pr


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