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摘 要 随着新中国的成立和经历改革开放的深入发展之后,逐步确立的社会主义市场经济体制。由此经济的发展离不开市场的作用。对于分配收入方面,实行按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合,兼顾效率和公平。公司为了能够吸引和留住新进员工,其激励制度的设计也逐渐偏向管理新进员工和技术精英。然而还是避免不了一些问题,导致逐步增加了公司新进员工的流失量。现代企业发展的战略性资源和最关键的因素就是人力资源管理。所以本文对新进员工激励机制管理问题进行了以下探讨.作为性质较为特殊的企业,本文主要分析目前企业激励机制管理体系的情况,发展问题,进行分析,并提出一些本人的建议,期望能够帮助企业在激励机制管理制度方面的创新变革。    关键词:企业,激励机制管理,创新变革 Abstract With the establishment of new China, and after the further development of reform and opening up, gradually establish the system of socialist market economy. The development of the economy is dependent on the role of the market. For the distribution of income, implements the combination of distribution according to work and distribution according to production elements, give attention to both efficiency and fairness. Companies in order to be able to attract and retain new employees, the design of the incentive system also gradually orientation toward management and technical elite. But still cant avoid some problems, lead to gradually increase the new employees loss of the company. The strategic resource of modern enterprise development and the key factor is human resource management. So in this paper, the new employee incentive management problem discussed below. As nature a special enterprise, this article mainly analyzes the enterprise incentive mechanism management system current situation, the development, analysis, and puts forward some personal Suggestions, expecting to help the enterprise incentive mechanism innovation management system. Keywords: Yu Jia Energy Investment Co,Ltd,compensation management innovation and change 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2 研究的目的 1 2 文献综述 2 3 激励机制管理制度的含义 4 4 企业激励机制管理现状和存在的问题 5 4.1 激励的界定缺乏理性的战略思考 5 4.2 忽视对激励界定程序的公平 5 4.3 企业保守、短视的激励观念 5 4.4 激励的设置缺乏科学性 6 4.5 薪等制无法与绩效考核接口 6 5 企业研究分析存在问题的原因 7 5.1 观念错误 7 5.2 激励机制的弊端 7 5.3 管理者自身素质问题 8 5.4 理论的错误运用 8 5.5 忽视新进员工激励水平的提高 8 6 企业促进问题改善的措施 10 6.1 激励策略要与企业发展战略相一致 10 6.2 以相对应的激励激励理论作支持 10 6.3 内部、外部公平的重视 10 6.4 重视激励方式多样化发展 11 6.5 重视工作情绪激励


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