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Inattentive Behavior of Children in Relation to Variation in School Hours Tim Chen Ms. Leong IB Psychology HL Y1 [1B] September 27, 2009 Word Count: 1756 Naturalistic Observation Written Report Abstract The aim of this experiment is to evaluate the amount of inattentive behavior that occurs after a certain amount of hours in school. We hypothesize that as the amount of school hours increases, the amount of inattentive behavior displayed will also increase. To carry out this experiment, two 35 minutes observation sessions were made on a single day; one at the beginning of school and one at the end of school. From the results of eight different attentive behaviors and their frequencies, it is concluded that inattentive behavior did increase after six hours of school (end of the school hours) and is considered harmful to their learning. Introduction: What does it mean to be inattentive? How do teachers keep track of how much we enter our own little world of daydreams? Can long hours of study affect students’ ability to learn? When long hours of school become routines, students like us constantly want to revisit our world of imaginations to escape the boredom. The result from these “drift times” compromises the students’ learning ability and ultimately destroys the information that needs to be learned. In the article “How to recognize and Counteract Student Inattentiveness in the Classroom” by Dr. Joseph S.C. Simplicio points out that the average six hour school day routines tends to cause students to drift into these time lapses more often especially if the school day consists of only plain academic courses. It proves to be a failure if the students do not pay attention and therefore do poorly on tests or quizzes mainly because the teachers fail to recognize these behaviors. Under the pressure of curricular requirements, teachers tend to overlook these behaviors and continue with their lessons without grabbing the student’s attention. To model the harmful affects, w


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