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Scope I.Why To Learn This Subject? II.What Can We Learn From This Subject? III. What Should We Learn From This Subject? IV. How To Learn This Subject? 序论 1、为什么要学习《食品药品监督管理》? 2、从这门课程中我们能学到什么? 3、这门课程的要求是什么? 4、如何学习这门课程? 5、教学计划和考试要求 6、课程结构 I. Why To Learn This Subject? 1、 It is a core major subject of pharmacy professional courses ——重要的药学专业基础课程之一 2. It is a bridge between theory and pharmacy practice ——联系自然科学知识与药学实践的桥梁 3. It is an important component of licensed pharmacist examination ——执业药师考试的重要内容之一 II. What Can We Learn From This Subject? 1. The basic concepts of pharmacy administration ——药品管理领域的基本概念 2. Pharmaceutical affairs law and regulation ——药学实践必须遵守的法律规范 3. The regular pattern of management in pharmaceutical manufacturing areas, supplying areas and utilizing areas ——药品生产、经营、流通等领域的基本管理规则 4. The method and technical ability to settle problems meeting in pharmacy practice ——解决药学实践问题的方法和技能 III. What Should We Learn During The Study of This Subject? Master the major laws and regulations in pharmacy practice ——掌握药学实践中的基本法律法规 Distinguish the legal behaviors and illegal behaviors during the practice of pharmacy ——明辩药学实践行为中合法与违法 Analyze the problems existing in pharmacy practice and settle them by using the method you learned in this subject ——分析社会实践领域中的各种药学现象和问题 IV. How To Learn This Subject? 1、Understanding 理解 2、 Practice 实践 3、 Reading 阅读 第一章 绪 论 Chapter 1: Introduction What is pharmacy administration? The properties of the discipline of pharmacy administration The development of Ph.A The research contents of the discipline of pharmacy administration 本章内容 药品管理法的概念 药品管理法的渊源 药品管理发的总则性规定和基本 药事管理学研究方法(调研实践) 第一节 药 事 管 理 Pharmacy Administration =Pharmaceutical affair administration 药事=“药学事业” 1. Pharmaceutical affair: matters about Pharmaceutical activities 泛指:一切与药有关的活动与事业 Pharmaceutical Activities: Developing new drugs——研制 Manufacturing of drugs——生产 Distributing of drugs——流通 Pricing——价格 Advertisement——广告 Utilization of drugs ——使用 药事 药事=“药学事业” (Pharmaceut


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