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obesity Introduction Causes Effects Diseases Prevention What is obesity? Definition: Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. Diagnosis: A crude population measure of obesity is the body mass index (BMI), a person’s weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in metres). Formula:BMI=Weight(kg)/Height2(m)2 eg:BMI=50(kg)/1.702(m)2=50/2.89 =17.30 Main causes: Genes. Habits. Lifestyle. Friends and family. Low self-esteem.(自卑) Emotional concerns.(情感上的问题) Trauma(创伤) Alcohol. (beer, wine, and mixed drinks) Medicines or medical conditions. Emotional concerns Such as: Emotional stress(精神紧张) anxiety illnesses Trauma(损伤) Distressing events can contribute to overeating. Such as: Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse in childhood Single parent family Marital or family problems(婚姻或家庭问题) Medicines or medical conditions Some medical conditions and medicines may also lead to gaining weight. Such as : Cushings syndrome (库欣综合征) Hypothyroidism (甲减) Taking certain antidepressants(抗抑郁药) Corticosteroids(皮质类固醇 ) Effects Diseases Effects of obesity Diseases caused by obesity Effects of obesity Effects on children Effects on pregnancy Effects on adults Ways of prevention Having a good lifestyle. Keeping a balanced diet . Being active. Having a good lifestyle. Keeping a check on your weight. Drinking plenty of water. Staying away from junk food. Eating slowly when you are hungry. Diet - Lunch Diet - Dinner Main food Low Name 热量 米饭 117/100k 面条 109/100k 鲜玉米 106/100k 红薯 99/100k High Name 热量 面包 312/100k 方便面 472/100k 蛋糕 320/100k 馒头 221/100k Meat Low Name 热量 鸡肉 181/100k 猪肉(瘦) 143/100k 牛肉 106/100k 鸡蛋 144/100k 鱼 113/100k High Name 热量 火腿肠 212/100K 午餐肉 229/100k 肯德基炸


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