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Book2,Unit5 Music Write down sentences with the following phrases in English, and then discuss in groups about them. 评分标准:书写1分+准确度1分+句式1分+内容1分 1.如果你继续这样,当你年老时,你会因虚度年华而悔恨的。(dream) 2.父母的一个重要任务就是要帮助和促进孩子个性的形成。(form) 3.面粉、鸡蛋、脂肪和糖是做蛋糕的主要原料。 4.他的诚实使他得到了极大的尊重。(earn) 5.你在收入方面的损失将会从获得的经验中得到补偿。(?) 6.我非常喜欢这部电影。 7.现今越来越多的人太看重钱。 8.这所中学附属于一所师范院校(normal university)。 9.她办事很有效率并且可靠。 10.我把这些书整理成大的和小的两类。 11.我梦想着有一天到西湖看看,杭州就是以西湖闻名于世的。 12.真正的朋友就是一个我们可以完全信赖的人,一个可以跟我们共患难的人。 1.If you go on like this, when you get old youll regret for dreaming your life away. 2.One of the most important tasks for parents is to help and promote to form a childs character. 3.Flour,eggs,fat and sugar form the main contents of a cake. 4. His honesty has earned him great respect. 5.What you lose in income you will gain in experience. 6.I am deeply attached to this film. 7.Nowadays more and more people attach too much importance to money. 8.This middle school is attached to a normal university 9.She was efficient and reliable. 10.I sorted the books into big ones and small ones. 11. I dream of visiting the West Lake one day, for which Hangzhou is famous in the world. 12.A real friend is a person who we can completely trust and with whom we can share hardships/spend the hard time together. 【辨析】sort/kind/type/species sort 指大体相似的东西,有时用于贬义判断。 kind 指同种类的东西。 type 指同类型的东西。 species 指同物种的东西。 【辨析】earn/obtain/acquire/gain/achieve/get/win 相同点:这些动词均有“得到,获得,取得”之意。 不同点:earn 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价,因有功而获得。earn的宾语可以是money, name, fame, reputation, position. obtain 指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求或达到目的的意味,用于正式语体中。包含着“努力”、“希望”或“决意”去获得某物的意思。 acquire 书面用语。强调通过不断地、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累的渐渐地获得,强调“一经获得就会长期持有”的含义。 gain 侧重经过努力或有意识的行动而取得某种成就,或获得某种利益或好处。 achieve 意为“得到;获得”,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。 get 一般用语,使用较广。可指以任何方式得到某物:可指主动去“获得,得到”,也可能是被迫“接受”,有时指不一定需要主动性或付出很大努力就能得到。 win 指在竞赛、战争、比赛中获胜,并可能由此得到奖赏。宾语通常是比赛、战斗、战争等。 B5,Unit 3 Life in the future  Write down sentences with the following phrases in English, and then discuss in groups about them. 评分标准:书写1分+准确度1分


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