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精读二作业(3) 翻译题: Translate the following phrases into English: 面临诱惑be faced with the temptation 2. 对学生们过分严厉be hard on the students 3. 认为某事当然 Take something for granted 4. 编智力测试题 make up the intelligence tests 5. 表扬的温暖阳光 The sunlight of praise 6. 靠吃野菜生活 live on wild plants 7. 对老师的话不予理睬 shrug off the teacher’s words 8. 转达一句赞美的话 pass on a compliment Translate the following sentences into English: 据说,他们为新建一所山村小学开展筹款运动。 It is said that they launched a campaign to raise money for a mountain village primary school. 2. 如果你总是偷东西,肯定不会有好下场的。 If you keep stealing you will surely come to a bad end. 3不要想当然地认为大学毕业生就什么都能做。 Don’t take it for granted that college graduates can do everything in all aspects 4. 黑暗中,他费了很大的气力才掏出钥匙,打开了房门。 He managed to fish out his key in the darkness and unlocked the door 5. 给予赞扬只需要给予的人付出片刻的思索和片刻的努 力。 To give praise costs the givers nothing but a moment’s thought and a moment’s effort. 词汇题单选: U8 ( )171.The sleeping cat lay too near the stove and had its tail slightly __________. A to burn B burned C to be burned D to be burning ( )172.As the young man was short of money, he was ___________ to apply for the dirty job. A capable B probably C likely D like ( )173.The boy ___________ at the dinner party last Sunday and was sick . A overweight B overload C overate D over and ate ( )174. The wish of the scientists is __________ new resources for mankind. A find B to be found C to find D found ( )175.The number of students in our school is ___________. A on the rise B in the rise C at the rise D from the rise ( )176.He will face criminal __________ for cheating others out of their money. A charges B intention C changes D overcharge ( )177.Many intelligent animals can be trained to understand human speech. A good ________ is the pet d


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