水分吸附等温线Moisture Sorption Isotherms研讨.ppt

水分吸附等温线Moisture Sorption Isotherms研讨.ppt

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水分吸附等温线Moisture Sorption Isotherms研讨

Moisture Sorption Isotherms Moisture Sorption Isotherms Definition and Zones Temperature Dependence Hysteresis Definition and Zones A plot of water content (expressed as mass of water per unit mass of dry material) of a food versus p/p0 at constant temperature is known as a moisture sorption isotherm (MSI). Information derived from MSIs are useful (a) for concentration and dehydration processes, because the ease or difficulty of water removal is related to RVP, (b) for formulating food mixtures so as to avoid moisture transfer among the ingredients, (c) to determine the moisture barrier properties needed in a packaging material, (d) to determine what moisture content will curtail growth of microorganisms of interest, and (e) to predict the chemical and physical stability of food as a function of water content (see next section). Shown in Figure 18 is a schematic MSI for a high-moisture food plotted to include the full range of water content from normal to dry. This kind of plot is not very useful because the data of greatest interest— those in the low-moisture region—are not shown in sufficient detail. Omission of the high-moisture region and expansion of the low-moisture region, as is usually done, yields an MSI that is much more useful (Fig. 19). Several substances that have MSIs of markedly different shapes are shown in Figure 20.These are resorption(or adsorption) isotherms prepared by adding water to previously dried samples.Desorption isotherms are also common.Isotherms with a sigmoidal shape are characteristic of most foods. As an aid to understanding the meaning and usefulness of sorption isotherms it is sometimes appropriate to divide them into zones as indicated in Figure 19. As water is added (resorption), sample composition moves from Zone I (dry) to Zone III (high moisture) and the properties of water associated with each zone differ significantly


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