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The interesting names of flowers Some pictures of pansy Pansy(三色堇) A long time ago, it is said that violet flower is pure white, like the clouds in the sky. Naughty Cupid took his gold bow and drive around .In his hand with the bow of the magic of love .Legend someone who was shot will fall in love with the one in the sight.However lovely Cupid naughty often makes mistakes .So there are many wrong love stories in the world .One day .Lovely Cupid found a new targets .Suddenly a gust of wind blowing .Unexpectedly arrow shot white violet flower.Blood and tears streamed from the flower heart constantly. The blood and tears dry and can not stop. This white pansy has become todays pansy, this is the origin of the myth of the pansy. nicknames: face of old man(老人面) butterfly flower(蝴蝶花) symbolic meanings red pansy : thinking(思虑) yellow pansy : mixed feelings (喜忧参半) purple pensy: silent,reticent (沉默不语) Lyorisradiata(彼岸花) Since these scarlet flowers usually bloom near cemeteries around the autumnal equinox, they are described in Chinese and Japanese translations of the Lotus Sutra as?ominous flowers that grow in hell, or huangquan and guide the dead into the next reincarnation.When the flowers of lycoris bloom, their leaves would have fallen; when their leaves grow, the flowers would have wilted. This habit gave rise to various legends. A famous one is the legend of two elves: Manju who guarded the flower, and Saka who guarded the leaves. Out of curiosity, they defied their?fate of guarding the?herb alone, and managed to meet each other. At first sight, they fell in love with each other. God, exasperated by their?waywardness, separated the?miserable couple, and laid a?curse on them as a punishment: the flowers of Manju shall never meet the leaves of Saka again.It was said that when the couple met after death in Diyu, they vowed to meet each other after reincarnation. However, neither of them could keep their words. Some pictures of Lycorisradiata nicknames: manjusa


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