【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(人教版).docVIP

【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(人教版).doc

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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(人教版).doc

Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 一、单句填空 1.My iPad isn’t in my bag.Where   (could)I have put it?? 2.(2014江西抚州临川十中期中,23)You ought   take a break now that you’ve finished your work.? 3.The river has   (narrow) a lot because of the dry season,so I can swim across it easily.? 4.Only if you eat the correct food   you be able to keep fit.? 5.The two young men accidentally let out the company’s top secret,which   (nature) made the boss very angry.? 6.(2014辽宁大连三中期末,29)Upon arriving home from a business trip,dad asked mum about my academic performance at high school and then   of my little sister,who was in junior high school.? 7.(2014山东临沂期中,12)As the saying goes,“A   (distance)relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor.”? 8.He knew only that he was lying there with a gun in his hand,   (surround)by men who wanted to kill him.? 9.(2014福建芗城中学10月月考,23)Iraq has gone   too many wars since 1990,making his people   (suffer)a lot.? 10.Anybody but doctors and nurses and those   (invite)by Dr.Hu is forbidden to enter the patient’s room.? 二、语法填空   Being disappointed is all about perspective.It took me a long time to realize this.I was under the impression that if someone did something I didn’t like,then I had the right to be disappointed.Of course the 1 (disappoint)always led to me having the right to be upset,depressed,or angry.After all,the situation didn’t turn out the way it 2 (suppose),or a particular person didn’t behave the way I 3 (believe)he or she should.Therefore,I was disappointed and felt let 4 .I never once thought it was just my attitude to the matter 5 caused my disappointment and that I could control this! ? What I slowly began to realize through studying myself,as well as 6 (pay)attention to others around me,was that those 7 (thing)that would upset me,would not upset someone else.I also noticed that those things that appeared to be the biggest deal to someone else only 8 (make)me laugh.So what was going on?  9 (obvious),it couldn’t be the situation itself bec


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