【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(人教版).docVIP

【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(人教版).doc

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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(人教版).doc

Module 6 Films and TV Programmes 一、单句填空 1.My mom told us so   (move)a story just now that we were all moved to tears.? 2.The speaker told a joke or story now and then when he gave the talk to keep us   (interest).? 3.We must admit the great part that his advice   (play)in our success.? 4.—What is going on over there? —They are arguing   each other about private affairs.? 5.Thirsty and   (exhaust),he went into the bar,sat down at a table and ordered two cups of coffee.? 6.(2014江西上高二中第四次月考,35)Mr. Smith is always on time for everything. How   it be that he was late for the flight?? 7.(2014重庆一中期中,25)—I haven’t got the reference book yet,but I’ll have a test on the subject next month. —Don’t worry. You   have it by Tuesday.? 8.(2014山东淄博桓台二中期中,9)Living in the dormitory means   (learn)to take care of yourself,understand each other’s differences and share common interests.? 9.(2014浙江温州十校10月测试,33)The singer told us that her new album would come   the next month.? 10.(2013河南中原名校第一次联考,7)—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? —Yes.   possible,I’m going to visit my parents in the countryside.? 二、语法填空 (2015甘肃武威六中期末) A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy”at a big firm. The HR manager 1 (interview)him,then a test—clean the floor.“You are hired,”he said,“Give me your email address, 2  I’ll send you the application to fill.”The man replied,“I don’t have a computer 3 an email.”“I’m sorry,”said the HR manager,“That means you do not exist.And 4 doesn’t exist cannot have the job.”The man left 5 no hope at all.He didn’t know what to do,with only $10 in his pocket.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a crate of tomatoes.He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round.In less than two hours,he 6 (success)in doubling his capital.He repeated the operation 3 times,and returned home with $60.? Five years later,the man is one of the 7 (big)food retailers in the US.He started to plan his family’s future,and decided to have a life insurance.He call



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