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汉字独体字形音义汇总表 序号 汉字 characters 意思 Meaning Ancient characters 古汉字 字源图画 Picture 字形解释 Explanation 1 日rì sun 太阳形shape of the sun 2 月yuè moon 弯月形 lune 3 山shān montain 山峰形shape of the mountain 4 水shuǐ water 中间为河流,两边有水花的流水形Water shape 5 火huǒ fire 燃烧的火形shape of the burning fire 6 木mù Wood Tree 带要的树形 shape of the tree 7 土tǔ soil 小土堆形shape of the hill 8 金jīn gold 火烧矿石流出金(铜)液形shape of burn ore liquid 9 石shí stone 山崖下的一块石头形 the stone under the cliff 10 田tián field 农田形Farmland shape 11 禾hé Rice plant grain 有根、有叶、有穗的植物形Gramineae 12 雨yǔ rain 天空降下水滴形Water droplets fall from the sky 13 气qì Gas air 云气飘动形 Cloud floating shape 14 人rén people 手臂前伸的侧立人形a man with its body on edge 15 子zǐ Kids 大头婴儿形 a baby 16 女nǚ female 叉手跪坐的女人形a woman sit on her knees 17 母mǔ Mother 突出乳房的女人形 a woman with breast 18 身shēn body 肚子凸起的女人形 woman with protruding tummy 19 页yè page 跪地大头人形,本义为人头a big-head man sit on her knees 20 主zhǔ Host main 油灯形,本义为灯芯,后表示主人等义 shape of oil lamp 21 首shǒu head 长着毛发的头形,本义为人或动物的头head with hair 22 手shǒu hand 人手形shape of hands 23 足zú foot 带小腿的脚形,本义为腿 crus and foot 24 爪zhuǎ claw 手抓物形,本义为手指,后指动物的脚爪get something by hands 25 立lì standing 站立在地上的下面人形a man stand on the ground 26 心xīn heart 心脏形shape of the heart 27 目mù eye 人的眼睛形shape of the eye 28 口kǒu mouth 人的嘴巴形shape of the mouth 29 又yòu again 手形的变体variant of hands 30 寸cùn inch 指事字,在手掌下一寸的地方加一点表示mark a dot on the pronation 31 文wén culture 身上刺有纹饰的人形,本义为花纹、纹理 a person who have the body decoration 32 马mǎ horse 突出鬃毛的马形 A horse with long horsehair 33 牛niú cow 突出直角的牛头形 A cow head with straight horns 34 羊yánɡ sheep or goat 突出弯角的羊头形 A sheepshead with curve horns 35 犬quǎn dog 身上卷起尾巴的狗形 A dog with a curled-up tail 36 鱼yú fish 有头、有身、有尾的鱼形 The fish have head,body and tail 37 鸟niǎo bird 有头、有尾、有爪、有翅的长尾鸟形 a bird has head,long tail,paws and wings 38 虫chónɡ Worm or Insects 三个小爬虫形 Three worms 39 酉yǒu Jar A covered jar with liquid insid


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