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酒店行李储存及取回标准操作规程 Guest Expectation客人期望: I expect that the hotel can provide luggage storage, and all my luggage will be handled carefully and stored in the storage room to ensure its safety. 我希望酒店能提供行李储存,同时希望酒店能谨慎地处理我的行李并储存好我的行李以确保行李安全。Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么该职责对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答: We must provide a prompt and accurate luggage storage service to our guests. 我们向我们客人提供快捷、无误的行李储存服务。 Safety is one of the most important issues to our guests; we must make sure their luggage is stored safely. 对我们客人而言,安全是最重要的问题之一;我们必须保证客人行李的安全。 Increase guest satisfaction. 提高客人满意度。 Demonstrate my professionalism. 展示职业水准。 Protects ourselves from claims of theft or losing guests luggage if we have a system which is followed by everyone. 如果我们有一个人人都遵循的体制,那么我们就可以免于偷盗或客人行李遗失。 How / Standards标准 Receiving request for luggage storage取回行李储存申请单 Greet the guest and inquire if any help is needed. 问候客人并询问是否需要帮助。 Receive guest request for luggage storage. 取回行李储存申请单。 2) Handling the luggage处理行李 Receive luggage from guest and confirm the pieces of luggage with guest. 从客人处收到行李并确认行李数量。 Check the luggage and verify whether there is any damage. 检查行李并核实是否有损坏。 3) Fill in the luggage claim tag and tag the luggage 填写行李申请标签并把标签挂在行李上 Fill in the luggage claim tag.填写行李申请标签。 Write guest name, room number, the pieces of luggage and time on the tag. 在标签上写下客人姓名,房号,行李数量及时间。 Ask guest to initial the top part of the luggage claim tag.让客人在行李申请标签的上半部份签字。 Tear off the bottom part of the tag and present it to guest.撕下标签的下半部分,拿给客人。 Attach the top part of the tag with luggage. 把上半部分附在行李上。 4) Explanation解释 Explain to guest how to claim his luggage. 向客人解释收行李的方式. The Guest must present their part of their tag to pick their luggage取行李时,客人须出示他们行李标签。 Wish the guest a good day.祝愿客人过得愉快。 5) Store luggage and make record储存行李,做好记录 Store luggage in the Concierge storage room. 把行李储存到礼宾储存室。Be careful not to damage any luggage especially leather bags. 小心不要损坏任何一件行李,特别


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