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应用文体翻译复习资料 Words Powerhouse Consultative Intellectual property Circuit Context Mourning Tribute Belt Master FIFA 国际足联 Insight Sanitation Strait Sany 三一重工 Watchdog Samaritan Magnitude Afghanistan Casualty Pakistan Retail Warehouse Restructure Adverse John Boehner 约翰 博纳 Outgoing House of representative Strike Suspend Debt ceiling Infuriate Fractious Referendum Endorse Chancy Closer-run Lease Breach Default 地垒式断块山 News What’s at Stake in Xi Jinping’s Visit to India Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in India?Wednesday, making the first visit by a Chinese head of state in eight years, and underscoring the increasingly important economic and strategic partnership between the world’s two most populous nations. 本周三国家主席习近平抵达、到达印度,这是中国领导人8年来首次访问印度。本、此次访问,习近平强调了世界两个人口大国在经济和战略合作伙伴关系方面的重要性。 本周三国家主席习近平抵达印度,这是 8年来中国领导人首次访问印度。此次访问,他强调/重申世界两个人口大国经济和战略合作伙伴关系的重要性。 9月17日国家主席习近平抵达印度,这是中国领导人八年来首次访问印度。此次访问,习近平强调,作为两个世界人口大国,双方应加强经济和战略合作伙伴关系。 Netflix Has a Plan to Take Over the World Like the conniving Frank Underwood, Netflix’s ambitions only continue to grow. The streaming service is rolling out in six new European countries this week, including France and Germany, two of the region’s largest markets. The expansion, Netflix’s biggest ever, will expose the company to hundreds of millions of potential new customers who have high-speed Internet access. But the challenges and costs of adapting a U.S.-based service for six different cultures won’t be easy—or profitable—for quite a while. 正如《纸牌屋》中老谋深算的弗兰克,网飞公司的野心也日益膨胀。 该公司计划在本周向欧洲六个国家推出流媒体服务,包括法国和德国这两个欧洲最大的市场。这次史无前例的拓展业务将吸引数百万高速网络用户。但是要想让六种不同的欧洲文化接受这一美国本土的服务,其面临的挑战和成本花费不容乐观,至于未来收益也未可知。 An N.Y. Man Has Been Indicted for Plotting to Assist ISIS An upstate New York man was indicted by a federal grand jury on Tuesday for allegedly seeking to aid the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), as well as murder U.S. soldiers returning home. 本周二,一名纽约州北部地区男子被联邦大陪审团指控涉嫌协助极端组织“伊斯兰国”,并杀害数名归国美军士兵。 本周二,一名纽约州北部地区男子因涉嫌协助极端


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