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Unit 12 The Supply Chain What is chain and what is supply chain in your opinion? New words and expressions: Logistics; inventory; identify; fluctuation; demand; assembly; component; chemical; package; potential; bottleneck; distribution; supposedly Some important expressions: director of logistics; raw materials supply; end-customer delivery; customer satisfaction; inventory levels; manufacturing cost; fluctuations in demand; the coated board; printed circuit boards; five days’ average; production volume; weekly order basis; potential bottlenecks; unacceptably high levels; financial control; the management of materials movement; lead to; the finished product stock area; cutting room; Unit12 The supply Chain to be continued Listen to the tape-script please. Attention : 1. the sequence markers to order the process 2. proposition to indicate direction and flow Discussion: 1.Do you think this was a good introduction 2.What should always be said in a good introduction? Going through the text: Please pay attention to the important expressions given to you. Unit12 The supply Chain to be continued Exercises: Please translate the following sentences into English. 1.这家公司的后勤部门工作效率很高. This company has a very efficient logistics department. 2.市场需求的波动迫使我们尽可能减少库存. The fluctuation of the market demand forces us to keep our inventory as low as possible. 3.产品的质量对于生产商的形象极其重要. The quality of the products is vital to the image of the producer. Unit12 The supply Chain to be continued 4.已经打响的品牌可以使顾客很容易从千百种同类产品中认出我们的产品. An established brand name helps the customers identify our product among hundreds of their class. 5.在过去的两年里,人民币的价值没有太大的波动. The past two years saw no great fluctuation in the value of RMB. 6.我们必须对市场的潜在需求有所认识. We should have some ideas about the potential demand of the market. English Humor Story Is Mrs. Jones Clever Norm Jones’ s wife is not very bright. The other day, she was in the supermarket when a friend rush


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