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日本の平安時代における「七夕」?「乞巧奠」の受容の過程について The process of acceptance for TANABATA and KIKOUTENN in Pin-An times of JAPAN 李守愛 摘要 日本平安時代之「年中行事」儀式大都採納中國慶典之行儀再加以日本化,形成特有之慶典儀式。其根源可説深受中國文化之影響。盛行於中國漢朝時期,唐代時期為代表性慶典之一的的七夕「乞巧奠」,亦傳抵日本,成為平安時代朝重要宮廷慶典。日本平安時代中期的儀式書《西宮記》、《江家次第》等之中,詳載有關平安朝廷擧行「乞巧奠」之過程。由此可窺知,平安時代的「七夕」「乞巧奠」儀式和其思惟背景,深受唐代「七夕」内含之道教神仙思想和「乞巧奠」儀式之影響。 本論文中活用中國及日本平安時代「七夕」「乞巧奠」慶典儀式相關之文獻,詳述平安時代採納中國「七夕」「乞巧奠」儀式之過程及變遷。並比較、檢討平安時代「七夕」「乞巧奠」儀式與中國「七夕」「乞巧奠」儀式之差異。以解明、分析平安時代「年中行事」内含之歴史性意義。 關鍵詞:「七夕」、「乞巧奠」、藤原道長、《西宮記》、《延喜式》 Abstract In times of Ping-An, the rites in “Annual Schedule” became unique celebrations as they not only adopted Chinese rites but also were transformed into that of Japanese style. Therefore, they indeed have the trace of Chinese culture. The once popular rites in Han Dynasty and also one of the typical celebrations in Tang Dynasty that held in July 7 of lunar calendar, “ “, was also exported to Japan and became important palace celebration in times of Ping-An. The books of rites edited in the mid of Ping-An times , like “Saikyuuki 西宮記 “ and “Kougeshidai 江家次第 “, have recounted in detail the process of “Kikoutenn“ held in palace. Here we can understand the thinking and background of “July 7” and “Kikoutenn” rites have been deeply influenced by the godly thinking of Taoism in “July 7” and “Kikoutenn” rites popular in Tang Dynasty. This essay actively consulted related historical documents of “July 7” and “Kikoutenn” celebrations and rites in China and in Japanese Ping-An times, made a thorough description on the process and transformation of “July 7” and “Kikoutenn” in Ping-An times adopted from China, as well as compared and examined the differences of both rites between China and Ping-An times. As such, the historical significances embodied in the “Annual Schedule” can be elaborated and analyzed. Key words:“July7”,“Kikoutenn”,“Saikyuuki”,Fuzibanamichinaga,”Enngishiki” はじめに 平安時代の年中行事に関する研究には、『六国史』や『類聚国史』?『日本紀略』?『扶桑略記』などの歴史書がある。これらは「四方拝」?「釈奠」?「曲水宴」?「端午の節日」?「七夕」?「乞巧奠」?「盂蘭盆」?「重陽」などの


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