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阴虚火旺证 主症:心悸不宁、心烦少寐 兼症:头晕目眩、手足心热、耳鸣腰酸 苔脉:舌质红少苔、脉细数 治法:滋阴清火,养心安神 主方:天王补心丹 用药:生地、玄参、麦冬、天冬、当归、丹参、人参、茯神、远志、枣仁、柏子仁、五味子、桔梗 心阳不振证 主症:心悸不安、胸闷气短 兼症:面色苍白,形寒肢冷 苔脉:舌质淡白、脉虚弱或沉细而数 治法:温补心阳,安神定悸 主方:桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤 用药:桂枝、甘草、龙骨、牡蛎 水饮凌心证 主症:心悸眩晕、胸脘痞满 兼症:形寒肢冷、小便短少,或下肢浮肿,渴不欲饮、恶心吐涎 苔脉:苔白滑、脉象弦滑 治法:振奋心阳,化气行水 主方:苓桂术甘汤 用药:茯苓、桂枝、甘草、白术 心血瘀阻证 主症:心悸不安、胸闷不舒,心痛时作 兼症:唇甲青紫 苔脉:舌质紫暗或有瘀斑、脉涩或结代 治法:活血化瘀,理气通络 主方:桃仁红花煎 用药:桃仁、红花、丹参、赤芍、川芎、延胡索、青皮、生地、当归 运用络病理论探讨心律失常中医病机 以生脉散(人参、麦冬、五味子)为基础方 金元·张元素《医学启源》 “一补, 一清, 一敛,养气之道备也,名曰生脉。” 《医方考》 人参 补益心气 麦冬 养阴清心除烦 五味子 敛气生津 益气生津,敛阴复脉之功 现代研究:改善心肌细胞代谢、降低心肌细胞自律性、调节植物神经功能。 吸取金元名医张元素经验 吸取金元名医张元素经验 参松养心组方分析-吸取金元名医张元素的经验 益气养阴 荣养气络 Like automaticity, triggered activity involves the leakage of positive ions into a cell, resulting in new action potentials. However, unlike automaticity, Triggered Activity is not consistently spontaneous. It may be either a single or repetitive firing of a myocardial cell, or group of cells, caused by re-excitation. Ion leakages that occur late in Phase 3 or early in Phase 4 after cell recovery has begun are called afterdepolarizations, or late potentials. Afterdepolarizations can be the ‘trigger’ that cause ventricular tachyarrhythmias. For reentry to occur, the following events must take place: A premature impulse occurs in the reentrant circuit at a time when Pathway A with the short refractory period is ready to accept the impulse, and Pathway B with the long refractory period is still repolarizing from the previous depolarization. The impulse slowly travels through Pathway A and reaches Pathway B just as Pathway B completes it repolarization and is no longer refractory, which means it is ready to accept a stimulus. The impulse travels through Pathway B in a retrograde direction and reenters Pathway A. The impulse is conducted antegrade through Pathway A, and the circuit continues. Reentry does not display a “warm up” or “cool down” period. Atrial fibrillation can also result from the rapid discharge of impulses from one or