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精选历届外校招生试题 1、A、B、C、D中哪一个不是左边图形中的一个部分? Which isn’t a part 部分 of the picture on the left? 2、如图,A、B、C、D中哪一个可以制成如图所示的盒子? Which piece of paper can be made into the box on the left? 3、阳光下窗户的影子是四个选项中的哪一个? Which is the right shadow 阴影 of a window in the sun? 4、Linda正在给一幅图涂上不同的颜色,相邻的两块颜色不能相同。她只有红、黄、蓝、橘红四种颜色,问:A处应填什么颜色? Linda is coloring a picture with different colors. She only has red, yellow, blue and orange. One color can’t be used in two areas next to each other 相邻的 . What color is A? 5、仔细观察图1,则图2中墙上的影子应是A、B、C、D中的哪一个? Look at picture 1 carefully, which is the right shadow 阴影 of picture 2 on the wall? 6、一个篮球49元,李雷有2张20元面值的钞票,3张10元的,2张5元的,3张2元的,3张1元的,那么他有几种付款方式? A basketball is 49 yuan, Li Lei has two pieces of 20 yuan , three pieces of 10 yuan, two pieces of 5 yuan, three pieces of 2 yuan and three pieces of 1 yuan. How many ways can he pay for the basketball? 7、如图,“?”所代表的是下列中的哪一个图案?Which picture is in “?”? 8、你能完成它吗?Can you finish the two blanks 空白处 ? □□□,○,□□,○○,□□□,○○○,□□, , 。 9、有A、B、C三个学生,一个英国人,一个中国人,一个美国人。A比英国人年龄大,B年长与中国人,中国人年长与C。那么A、B、C中哪一个是美国人? There are three students A,B and C. One is an Englishman, one is a Chinese and one is an American. A is older than the Englishman, B is older than the Chinese and the Chinese is older than C. Who is the American? 10、观察例子后回答“1”、“2”中各是什么?从选项A到F中寻找。 Look at the example and finish 1 and 2 choose from A to F . 11、拿走一个数的一半后得0,则此数是多少? Take the half of one number you can get zero. What is the number. 12、有10个学生或能唱歌或能跳舞,其中8个会唱歌,6个会跳舞,有多少个学生既会唱歌又会跳舞? There are ten students who can sing or dance. Eight of them can sing and six of them can dance. How many students can sing and dance? 13、观察下图,“?”表示的数是多少?Look the picture and find out which number is in “?”? 14、如图,根据前两幅图寻找规律,确定第三幅图中“?”表示的数是多少?’ Look at the first two pictures and finish the third picture. 15、桌面切掉一个角,还可能剩下几个角? If you cut off one angle 角 of a table, how many angles are there now A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 E.6 16、下面四幅图中,哪些阴影部分的面积与图1中阴影部分的面积相等? In A,B,C and D, which has the same area


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