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UNIT 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town集体备课 课题 UNIT 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 课型 课时 主备人 Dou Liyun 新授 1 学情分析 Students must have known something about sunshine town 教学目标 Talk about their town 教材分析 重点难点 How to express personality 教法学法 Circumstance teaching, group work 辅助教学 设备 Pictures, record and slide 教学设计 二次备课 Step One .Warming up Would you like to go to the supermarket? Do you have any money with you? How much money do you have? How much does the book cost? Step Two. Entering Eddie often goes to the restaurant with Hobo.He often orders a tin of dog food. Sometimes he orders a pizza if he has enough money. ---Do you have any money? ---None. I haven’t any money with me. Maybe Millie has some, but she is in sports centre now. Read these new words and phrases. Step Three Sum up some phrases. some dog food, go to the supermarket, how much money, how many tins, buy something with some money, order a pizza, enjoy Chinese food, take them to the sports centre. Step Four Explain some points . There’s no dog food. = There isn’t any dog food. no= not any / a eg: I have no money.=______________________ There is no student in the room. =__________________ “food” is an uncountable noun, we may say, some food, much food, a lot of food eg: There’s a lot of food in the fridge. How many tins of dog food can we buy with that? with 意为“凭借”,“使用某种工具”。 eg: We write with our hands. He bought a kite with his pocket money. Let’s take them to the sports centre. take sb / sth to some place 带某人/某物去某地 eg: My parents took me to the hospital when I was ill last week. Our Chinese teacher will take us to the museum next week. Don’t take the dog to the cinema. Step Five. Activity Use Eddie and Hobo’s conversation as a model. Talk about something about you and you partner. Step Six. Welcome to the unit: Give a picture and ask “What can we do here?” Guide students to say others in this way 作业设计 1.Remerber all the new words and sen


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