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《放牛班的春天》观后感 Les choristes classic lines in the English version 《放牛班的春天》中英文影评 The Choir, translate it into Chinese is FangNiuBanDeChunTian. It’s so ingenious that I’m read all of my sweet smiles. 放牛班的春天”,名字译得很巧妙,单是读着都漾出善意的笑 not who can give others, it has always been there, all we need is just a smiling guide. 春天,不是谁能够送给谁,它早就在那儿,我们需要的只是一位微笑的领路人。 It has no artificial trace of affectation, It is the effect of training cannot achieve, it is from natural, just like the grass on the mountain, the snow on the mountain tops, the moon in the clouds. 童声无可比拟的优点,就是它毫无人工做作的痕迹,并不是训练而成的歌声,而是天然而然,就像坡上的草,山顶的雪,云间的月。 secret chamber which is like a high castle. At the same time, many paper planes with childish handwriting drop from the clouds one by one, like the angel’s feather. They gently fall at Maxiu’s feet, almost make me cry. 当影片临近尾声,响起那首《Cerf-volant》,孩子们清澈的音声从高高的城堡式的禁闭室中飘逸到窗外,合着一架架承载了稚嫩笔迹的纸飞机,仿佛天使的羽毛一片片,一片片,一片片落到马修的面前,差点让我落泪 In the sunshine, no words and the childs can’t see the outside world, while their song is like the gentle waves and their waving hands are telling the parting love and the soul kisses. 阳光下,没有言语,也看不到外面的世界,然而孩子们的歌声如轻柔的海浪层层相叠,一双双挥舞的小手写满了离别的眷恋和心灵的亲吻。 Every heart needs love , needs tolerant and understanding. Every child comes from pure place should be the very love treasure. 每一颗心都需要爱,需要温柔,需要宽容,需要理解。每一个孩子都来自纯净无邪的地方,永远都应该是人间万分疼惜的珍宝。 In the face of these children, the more I believe is “Where there is wise man, there is the swift horse”. 面对那些孩子, 我更愿意相信我不喜欢的韩愈说过的话:世有伯乐,然后有千里马。 The reason why Maxiu is good is not his occupation of the ordinary or his natural benevolence, but because he is the “wise man” who can hear the voices of the “swift horse” and respect them. 马修的好,不是因为他职业的“平凡”,也不是因为他出自天然的“善心”,而是因为他是真正能够听见并且尊重千里马的心声的“伯乐”。 I know the complicated reality, I know the cruel fate, I know a limited time, I know how busy life is, I know there are too many errors to be punished, I know that there are too many unnecessary things to be abandoned, however I also know fa


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