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延迟性和痕迹性条件反射建立过程中豚鼠眨眼反应特征参数的变化 陈 浩,胡 波,杨 丽,范郑丽,隋建峰 ((第三军医大学生理学教研室,重庆 400038)  要: 目的。方法 采用0 ms正弦波纯音和100 ms束状氧气流的配对刺激,训练豚鼠建立痕迹性眨眼条件反射。在此过程中,使用张力换能器记录眼轮匝肌活动,并使用我室编制的Matlab软件分析眨眼行为数据。 结果 豚鼠均能建立痕迹性眨眼条件反射但(P0.05)(P 0.05)结论。 中图法分类号: 文献标识码:A Characteristic parameter changes of the eyeblink responses during the acquisition of delay and trace conditioning in guinea pigs CHEN Hao, HU Bo, YANG Li, FAN Zheng-li, SUI Jian-feng (Department of Physiology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China) Abstract: Objective To investigate characteristic parameter changes of the eyeblink responses during the acquisition of delay and trace eyeblink conditioning in albino guinea pigs. Methods A 500 ms tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a 100 ms corneal oxygen-puff unconditioned stimulus (US). The guinea pigs were trained for 10 consecutive sessions of delay and trace eyeblink conditioning. During the experiments, a spring-return potentiometer was used to detect the activity of orbicularis oculi muscle. Homemade software written under the Matlab environment was used to quantitatively analysis the behavioral data. Results Both groups of guinea pigs successfully acquired the delay and trace conditioned eyeblink responses (CRs), respectively. Relative to the trace-conditioned guinea pigs, the delay-conditioned guinea pigs acquired the CRs with faster rates and higher peak amplitudes (P0.05). However, the CR peak latency, the peak amplitude and latency of the unconditioned eyeblink responses did not significantly change during 10 eyeblink conditioning sessions (P 0.05). Conclusion During eyeblink conditioning, the guinea pigs exhibit characteristic parameter changes of eyeblink responses similar to those observed in other common-used rodents. Key words: delay conditioning; trace conditioning; eyeblink; guinea pig 经典眨眼条件反射(classical eyeblink conditioning, EBC)一直被广泛应用于联合型学习的神经生物学机制研究


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